Following Suit

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A/N: I'm going to pop up with some chapters that are from Peter's perspective, this one is more of a filler chapter, but we will get more in-depth in the future.


"Pete? Pete. Peter!"

I opened my eyes to see Ned, MJ, and Y/N all staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You fell asleep, I wanted to wake you up," Y/N giggled, sticking her tongue out, I saw Michelle chuckle under her breath.

"Well that wasn't very nice of you," I yawned, stretching my arms out.

"Why are you so tired, man?" Ned asks while taking a bite out of his bologna sandwich.

"It's just because of the-"

"Stark Internship," Everyone said at the same time, finishing my sentence.

"I guess I say that a lot," I chuckled.

"You think? It's all you do now," I heard Y/N mumble.

"Hmm what was that?" I turned my head to face her, she was poking at her meatloaf that was, as perusal, covered in mashed potatoes. I forced her to get the meatloaf otherwise she would've just had potatoes running through her bloodstream. You'd think that living with the smartest man in the world would make her more aware of dietary health, but nope!

"Oh, nothing. Are you guys going to homecoming?" she looked up from her sad excuse of a lunch. "I'm still debating on whether I should go or not..."

"Peter and I are definitely going," Ned said with a grin on his face.

"We are?" I said picking up my milk carton to take a sip.

"Um hello? We gotta be our bachelor duo," he slides his hand through the air and bops his head a bit.

A/N: Did I explain that correctly? I was trying to describe the 'smooth sailing' gesture but- oh well.

"I don't know Ned, if I want to go to Homecoming it's because I want to go with someone this year. And besides, remember what happened last year when we decided to be 'bachelors'?" I set down the carton and crossed my arms raising an eyebrow.

Last year was when Ned started with this 'great' idea of being single at homecoming so that way we have a variety of people to dance with. Naturally, MJ and Y/N thought it was a stupid idea considering half the school would be going with dates. Instead of heeding the warning, I thought it was a great idea and somehow found myself in the girl's bathroom causing thirteen girls to attack me with makeup, shoes, and corsages. Needless to say, MJ and Y/N were rolling on the floor laughing while Ned gave me looks of sympathy. Boy did Flash have fun when he heard about that, he was constantly teasing me for a month about it. And something tells me he's going to recall this faithful event and I won't hear the end of it till the middle of February.

I was about to say something more when I heard someone start laughing, more specifically I heard Y/N laughing. Her sweet laugh, it sounds like, well... I don't know if this makes sense but if, honey, was a sound that would be her laugh. I've always loved her laugh. It soothed me to know she was happy, even if it was just to make fun of my freshman antics.

"Are you laughing at me?" I started chuckling softly, she was sitting in front of the window causing the light from outside to illuminate her. The sun reflected from behind her outlining her side profile, it made her look as though she was an angel from Heaven.




We all turned our heads to see Michelle with her camera squinting down at the photo she just took.

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