⍱Feisty Little Kitten⍱

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Nate's POV

I've lived on Maple Street my entire life. My grandparents raised me here. They were members of the Dead-Eye Angels, a prime example of a President and his Old Lady. So were my parents. Dad is six feet under at Willow Grove Burial Grounds. He and along with most of the Dead-Eye Angels died at a botched deal. My mother is another case. I don't know where the fuck she is, no doubt selling herself for some blow. She's dead to me.

The Dead-Eye Angels have a long and violent history in the American South. However, with a crackdown on MCs in the mid-90s, outlaw MCs have almost gone extinct, except for the Dead-Eye Angels who have managed to survive despite the accident that has seen most of their members blown up. Nevertheless, it's a new dawn.

Since my dad, the club's President, died, it was up to me to lead the remaining brothers. But I was only fourteen years old. So my grandpa took over again, much to the disdain of my father's Vice President. When I turned nineteen, my grandpa died of a heart attack, and I had to take over. Not that I minded. I would do anything for the Dead-Eye Angels, even giving up on college.

The VP challenged me for the President's spot, but I won, as you might have guessed. I took pity on the motherfucker and let him live. Last I heard of him, he was somewhere around the desert doing God knows what - good riddance.

When I took over, the Dead-Eye Angels have become one of Atlanta's most notorious gangs. Nobody messes with us. And if they do, they will meet a fiery end. We own several businesses around the city, including garages, diners, boutiques, and a few nail salons. The last one was because one of my favorite girls, Stacey, wanted to start her own business. Even though she isn't my Old Lady, she holds a special place in my heart. Well, my dick thinks Stacey's special. She's just another hole that I like to frequent.

Everything in the neighborhood was going great. I've bought all the houses, so the core MC members can be close to each other, like a family. I only haven't managed to buy the place next to me, which has been empty for quite some time. A downtown corporation owns it, and they didn't want to sell. I tried several times to buy it, but no luck. It would have been the perfect place for the woman who would be lucky enough to be my woman. I've told no one that my plan was to combine my grandparents' lot with the one next door and build a new house.

But those plans went to shit four months ago when a cab pulled up next door. A short black girl stepped out of the car with very bad bed hair. She struggled with her luggage, and the cab driver didn't move an inch to help her up onto the porch. So, I did the gentlemanly thing and went to help her. When the cab driver saw me, he jetted out of the driveway like a bat out of hell.

"What in the H. I didn't even pay you!" The black girl yelled at the now fading tire smoke. The first time I laid eyes on Shanice she was snapping and barking at me. I looked into her flaming dark brown eyes and knew I'd either fuck her or strangle her.

"Hi, welcome to the neighborhood," I said to the girl as I stretched out my hand. Even though she looks like she had just woken up, she's kind of cute. Perhaps it's her glasses.

She gave me a once-over - she likes what she sees - and shook my hand.

"Hi, I'm Nate." I introduced myself.

"Hey, I'm Shanice," I give her a smile. Based on her accent, she's not from around here.

But before I can figure out where she's from, she asks me, "Could you help me with my bags?"

"Sure." I pick up her luggage and bring them inside. The place looks nicer than the last time I saw it.

"Thank you so much for helping me. I thought someone would meet me at the airport. Guess my new boss believes I'm such an independent, strong, black woman who doesn't need any help finding her new home."

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