⍲Shit Indeed⍲

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Nate's POV

This chick Shanice is a bitch, no scratch that, a real cunt. It's been a few weeks since she read me for scum. But her audacity still baffles me. How dare she insult the Dead-Eye Angels and me as if we were the scums of the earth? Who the fuck does she think she is? Just because she talks all educated and whatnot doesn't mean I'm beneath her. She should count herself lucky that I even gave her a bit of attention.

Every night she arrives in her fancy dresses and high heels and struts her way to her place, like her shit don't stink. I never would have pegged her for a snobby bitch, just bougie. It's time to bring her down a peg or two. A few of the boys, headed by Bryan, have played a few pranks on the New York bitch. And to be honest, she deserves it. How dare she degrade me like I'm nothing.

Bryan's high-pitch voice pulls me out of my angry thoughts, "I told you she's a nigger cunt that needs to be put in her place."

Ever since Bryan overheard Kade and me talking about what happened, Bryan has become a broken record. His obsession has grown from spying on her through her bathroom window to become the topic of every conversation. I ignore Bryan and his outburst because, at this point, I'm simply tired of his obsession with Shanice. You either don't like her or do. Don't be calling her a nigger in front of everyone and then be jerking off outside her bathroom window. Fucking hypocrite.

Even with me ignoring him and massaging Stacey's ass that's on my lap, Bryan continues.

"She needs to be taught a lesson. I say we go over there and mess her up,"

"Yeah, I'll kick her ass," Stacey pipes up.

I laugh it off, "Stacey, you would be the one getting your ass kicked." I know Stacey will do anything for me, including going to jail. She likes to think she's a ride-or-die chick, but nah. She's the kind of person who has a mouth when there's someone to back her up.

"That bitch won't lay a hand on you with me there." Bryan looks up at Stacey with puppy eyes. Like, damn, with how many of my boys have this bitch fucked.

I stand up, and Stacey gets up too. "Get me another beer," I order Stacey. I glance at Bryan and say, "We have bigger shit to deal with than my fucking neighbor." I look at Kade. "What is it with these Crest Goons shit? I haven't heard anything since I came back."

"They're laying low right now. After we sent the Crest Goons that message, they know not to mess with us. They're a bunch of kids that got too big for their britches," Kade answers.

"We need to hit them hard and get rid of them for good. They need to know once you mess with us, your life is forfeit." I reply.

The boys agree. The sound of a van has us on high alert. You never know if these fuckers get stupid and pull out some shit. A UPS truck pulls at Shanice's place, the delivery man carries a giant box to her front steps, and the dude doesn't even wait until someone opens the door for him to high tail it out of there.

Without me asking, Bryan goes to pick up the box and brings it up. With a box cutter, he opens the package. Tons of toys, clothes, and pictures are inside. I grab the photos and spot a young, black girl a couple of shades lighter than Shanice and squinted eyes. She's standing next to another black girl smiling and making funny faces. The next one is from Shanice and the light-skinned chick in silk robes with several mafia-looking men surrounding them. My nostrils flare when one of them is a bit too chummy with Shanice, and she doesn't seem to care.

"Isn't she a little too old for cartoons?" Bryan asks out of nowhere.

"Those are anime, you uncivilized swine," Daniel, one of the Prospects, pipes up. The boy has a lip on him, and if he weren't Bryan's cousin, I bet my bike that Bryan would have put a bullet in his skull.

"Whatever, the crow is too damn old for this shit," Bryan replies.

"Damn, you guys are really a bunch of uncivilized swine." Daniel once again throws an insult. That boy is looking for a death wish. Good thing Bryan boy doesn't catch it, and I don't have the time to discipline Daniel's whinny ass.

"Watch what you're saying, Danny-boy. You don't want to end up like your brother, do you?" Bryan warns.

With that, he shuts his trap. At a distance, a car approaches the cul-de-sac, Shanice. I recognize the clicky-clat sound of her girly car from anywhere. She steps out, swaying her hips, and like always, her headphones are in her ear. Without any preamble, Bryan starts throwing the "anime figurines" into her yard. That catches her attention. The look of shock is indescribable. She picks up the figurine and looks at it.

Meanwhile, a few boys, mainly the new ones, start cheering and hollering, with Bryan as their leader. I take a seat on the porch looking at her frozen body with the pictures in my hand. I put them down next to me. We make eye contact, and a strange sheen covers her cheek, tears. Everything that the boys and I have thrown at Shanice, she never broke. She took it on the chin and gave back as much as she got. I've got the pink-stained undershirts to prove it.

"Bryan, stop," I say to him, but the dude keeps going at it. I grab his arm and turn him around. "I said stop!"

"Why the fuck." He shrugs his arm off."

"Because I said so!" I stand toe-to-toe with him staring him down.

"Whatever you say, Mr. President."

"Come on, boys, let's head inside and get this party started," Kade breaks the tension.

When I turn around at Shanice's yard, she isn't there.


Did Nate go too far, or were his actions justified?

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