⍱I Stepped In Shit⍱

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Nate's POV

Ever since we got into Shanice's cartoon stuff, or anime, like Daniel calls it, Shanice has been ignoring me. No matter what I do to get her attention, playing loud music, work on my hog in the early morning, or even Bryan's annoying taunts, she hasn't glanced our way, like I don't exist. Her ignoring me has done something to me. I can't concentrate on this Crest Goon shit, who have gotten ballsy and have taken over a few of our lower-end corners.

I want, no, I need things to get back to normal. To the daily ribbing, Shanice constantly referring to me as biker instead of my name. For a few days, Shanice has been coming outside and sitting on her swing with her tablet and a glass of wine. A constant reminder that she's there but will not give me or anyone the time of day. To change that, I have to do something that I rarely, that I haven't done since I was a kid, apologize.

"Goddammit, I'm the fucking President," I mutter to myself.

Maddox, who's standing behind me, clears his throat and signals with his head that Shanice is outside. My brother doesn't talk ever since he was a kid. Maddox hasn't uttered a word. But he's still valuable to the Dead-Eye Angels. Every brotherhood needs a silent killer.

He raises an eyebrow, telling me what I'm waiting for. Luckily, everybody else is inside, giving me a chance to properly do what I have to do.

Shanice doesn't hear me when I approach her. "Hey," I utter, but she doesn't respond.

But as soon as I sit next to her, she stands up and struts towards the door. Before she can leave, I grab her wrist.

"Kitten, I just wanna talk."

Her black eyes stare me down with no emotion behind them. Instead of giving me a chance to explain, she inexplicably loosens her wrist from my hand and scurries inside.

As my fist goes to knock on her door, Bryan's voice booms behind me.

"What are you doing, President?"

"None of your fucking business, Bryan."

Bryan's face turns beet red as I stroll past him, and I don't fucking care. Who the fuck does he think he is to question me? Instead of saying this to him, I shove it down. I don't want to make a commotion within the Dead-Eye Angels because of a woman. We're preparing for an inevitable war, and we don't need the distraction.


Sunlight shines through my bedroom curtains. I rub my hair, trying to remove the last signs of sleep. The chick from last night is still in my bed. I can't believe I drank so much.

"Fuck, it's too damn fucking early for this shit," I say as the smell of shit reverberates through the living room as I head downstairs. Everyone else is now getting up. Grunting and stretching themselves. Everyone is hungover, well, except for Maddox and Kade. They never hang out till late with us and are not here.

"Smells, like shit in here," Stacey, who spent the night on Bryan's lap, utters.

"If you managed to close your legs, we wouldn't be having this problem," I return.

Stacey immediately pipes down. Swiping blonde hair from off her face. Since I haven't given her attention these last few days, she's set her eyes on Bryan, the poor fool. Speaking of the devil, he's still asleep.

I walk towards him and gently kick him on the side of the leg. "Wake up, Bryan and the rest of you lazy bunch. It's already past noon, and we need to get this shit with the Crest Goons settled," I shout to everyone in the room.

The guys begin to grunt, including the coked-up bunnies from last night. Grandma is rolling in her grave at the state of her house. But I don't have time to clean shit up, nor do I have an Old Lady to do this for me. Stacey did it in the past. Well, she tried. But she sucks as a homemaker.

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