⍲Forge Your Own Path⍲

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Shanice's POV

Cassandra's screeching voice wakes me up bright and early.

"Woman, what the hell is wrong with you?" I yell at her.

"Shanice, the day has just begun. You have to take advantage or it will leave you behind."

"Is that what they've taught you in rehab,"

"Little girl, I wasn't in rehab. I was at a week-long spa. Now get your ass up, I don't know what those people in Atlanta were doing with your hair, but it looks like a rat's nest."

I scratch my scalp. Yeah, Cassandra's right. I don't take care of my hair because I don't like to put a tight ass bonet on.

Heading downstairs for a traditional Japanese breakfast, mom and I are the only ones at the table.

"Where's dad?"

"You know your father. He's probably on his morning walks,"

Yeah, every morning, he and Serenity would go on for these long-ass walks that last for hours. They wouldn't share a word but nod to one another. It was their father-daughter bonding time. Father taught us everything there's to know about the family business and about respect. It didn't take on me, but Serenity soaks it up. She was the female, black version of dad; calm, relaxed, and collective. However, that didn't save her ass from getting bullied in high school. I had to teach that girl a bunch of times that Asian zen stuff doesn't work on idiots. Sometimes you have to black up for them to back off. While I taught her how to be rough and tough, she spent her time teaching me the ways of inner peace and taking my time to exact punishment, which most of the time I didn't listen to.

Mother snapping her fingers snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Shanice, we have a hectic day today, and tomorrow we have to look for a wedding planner and a realtor. Although I love you and Jin, you can't be humping in my house. That's for your dad and me only."

"Eeuw mom, TMI."

"Girl, you know I'm still popping," She starts twerking. I shake my head because this is the mess I left behind. In public, my mother acts like the feared Oyabun who has garnered the reputation of shinobi, those who act in stealth. The kanzashi hairpin that she always wears has a long piano string attached to both ends. Anyone who dares to threaten her husband will see themselves with a severed head.

"Yes, mom, you still are. But we have to talk about-"

"There's no time. Get ready, and I will meet you in the car."


The entire day we were up and down Manhattan and Harlem. If you want to know torture wear high heels (a must for mother) and give her a black Amex. The woman will shop even if her daughter drops down the street, which embarrassingly happened. Luckily, New Yorkers don't give a crap and will walk all over you. If it weren't for the bodyguard accompanying us, they would undoubtedly have trampled me.

Arriving at the spa, the masseuse leaves us alone in the room. She's totally chilled out, beaten to relaxation, the perfect time to unload on Cassandra.

"Mother, I have something to tell you," I say loud and clear.


"I will not be pursuing a relationship with Jin, and I will leave for Atlanta tomorrow. I will not be returning to the Black Dragons."

Cassandra sits up and slowly removes the gold leaves from her eyes. "Sweetheart, don't be silly; of course, you will continue with the Black Dragons and take your rightful place next to Jin," she says menacingly.

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