⍱We Finally Hear From Karl⍱

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Shanice's POV

Without wasting any time, I go to the front to get out of here. However, the entrance is blocked by two bikers, who glare at me, making their intention known. Pulling out my phone, I try to call and text Karl or anyone, but there's no signal. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

As I cross the dance floor and head to the bathroom, two more bikers stand before the doors. So are the way to the other back rooms and staff. I try my luck again with Karl but nothing. In a desperate move, I call dad. But nothing as well. I'm clearly not thinking right. What can dad do a thousand miles away? The only door cleared from any biker is the emergency back exit. They want me to go through there. They are expecting, but I will not go down without a fight. Breaking the heels of my six-inch Louboutins and hiding them in my skirt's waistline, I make my way to pay the piper. I got myself into this mess. I'm going to get myself out.

The walk towards the exit is silent even though the EDM tunes beat throughout the entire building. Looking back, all the bikers come following behind, with Bryan leading them. Before grabbing the doorknob, Bryan grips my hand.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here a black rat trapped in a corner." Bryan guffaws.

"I may be black, but I ain't no rat, tub of lard," I sass back, which earns me a backhanded slap.

"You think this is funny, you fucking cunt," he grabs my neck with both hands while his buddies in the back are cheering him on. Tears spring out of my eyes as I try to maintain consciousness. With every second that passes, I get even more furious for not getting out of this situation on my own. I wanted to be in Atlanta and make it on my own, and I can't even get rid of these stupid bikers. All the games were child's play. This is the real challenge, and I'm miserably failing.

I claw at Bryan's hands but nothing until I apply pressure on the highest point of the thumb muscles and pull down.

"You fucking cunt," Bryan yells from the pain. I kick him in the balls as hard as I can and open the door. The smell of rotting food and pee filters my nose as I run down the alleyway. Before reaching the streets, a group of women blocks my path. I recognize them, especially since I've seen them every day hanging around Nate's house.

"Where do you think you're going?" Nate's skank questions.

"None of your damn business, bitch!"

"You messed with the Dead-Eye Angels' bikes," She enunciates each word while punching her hand. She wants to intimidate me, but no, I will not yield to her tactics. The moment I do that, my life is forfeit.

"See, you got her where I wanted her, Stace," Bryan says breathlessly behind me. What a pathetic man that can't run ten yards without losing his breath. I press my back against the brick wall on my left, no way I'm going to let them jump me from behind. There's no honor among these miscreants.

Bryan trots up to me and stares me down. His rotting, black and yellow teeth come into view. "Dude, you need to go to the dentist. Your breath stinks." I hold my nose.

"Oh, the bitch got jokes," he guffaws and punches my stomach. The motherfucker carries a mean punch, undoubtedly breaking a few ribs. As I hunch over, trying to catch my breath, he pulls my hair so that I can see right into his demon eyes.

"You think that you can laugh at me, make me a fool." He slaps me hard on the side of my face. "Do you think that you can play with my feelings as if I were nothing!" He hits the other side. "Make me chase you like a damn puppy dog." He spits in my face. The thick saliva dripping down my swollen eye down to my cheek. He pushes me to the ground while the rest of them make a circle surrounding us, cheering and encouraging Bryan to beat the shit out of me. When he crouches down at me, I pull out the heels and shove them deep into the sides of Bryan's body.

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