Chapter 35: Dual Vows

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Song: Lost - Linkin Park

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Song: Lost - Linkin Park

Alone in my office, surrounded by the city's unyielding energy, I take a deep breath, trying to collect my thoughts. My heart races, worry gnawing at me like a relentless predator. Despite the powerful view and the aura of authority, the potential loss of another child is an ordeal unlike any other.

"I won't rest until I find you, Shanice," I say aloud, my voice determined. My fists clench at my sides, and I feel a knot tightening in my stomach. The worry for my daughter weighs heavily on my heart. As the leader of the White Dragons, I have faced countless challenges, but the fear of losing another loved one consumes me.

From my vantage point over Midtown, I try to quell the turmoil inside. The view is awe-inspiring. The vibrant cityscape stretches far and wide, encompassing the iconic landmarks that make up New York City.

With its neon lights and bustling crowds, Times Square pulses like a living heartbeat. The constant flow of tourists and locals creates a symphony of honking cars and animated voices, painting a vivid portrait of New York's energy and dynamism. Meanwhile, the Rockefeller Center stands tall and proud, symbolizing progress and aspiration.

Just as I try to compose myself, the door creaks open, and I turn to see Mr. Phan, the janitor at Shanice's place of employment, stepping in. His demeanor is respectful, but there's a hint of nervousness in his eyes. "Oyabun," he begins hesitantly, wiping the sweat from his forehead with a small handkerchief, "My men haven't seen Miss Ito at work today. Her car isn't in the parking garage, and her colleagues mentioned she's in New York for Thanksgiving. And, as you mentioned, she isn't here either."

Desire fuels me to see the life fade from the eyes of the man who failed to keep an eye on my daughter. Nevertheless, vengeance would not aid in finding Shanice any faster. I've learned to control my impulses. I'm a different man now. "Instruct your men to keep the search and review the surveillance footage since the week before last. We need to know if there was something amiss before her disappearance."

"Right away, Oyabun," Mr. Phan responds, bowing slightly before scurrying to carry out the task.

As the older man leaves, my heart sinks further with worry, and I quickly dial Shanice's number once more, hoping to hear her voice on the other end of the line. Unfortunately, only her voicemail picks up.

"Hime, where are you?" I say, my voice tense with concern. With desperation mounting, I contact the Atlanta branch of the Crimson Tigers. Their eastern outpost has surreptitiously had a foothold in the thriving cosmopolitan. The Vanguard, Hao Fen, owes me several favors.

Without a preamble, I speak when he answers the phone. "I need you to locate my daughter," I declare, trying to hide the urgency in my voice.

"Another favor, Oyabun? First, it was to thwart her networking efforts. Now, you want to spy on her? You know when Diwa fled to Louisiana."

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