⍱You're Blocked⍱

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Nate's POV

Logan is one of Dead-Eye's old clients. Ever since his supplier cut him off, he's been getting his party favors through us. However, the dude lacks one crucial thing in this business, loyalty. Word got back to me that he's thinking about doing business with the Crest Goons. These little shits are popping everywhere. I thought that the charred body on their doorstep would scare them off. But it was only a temporary setback for them, and they've changed their tactics.

I barge into Logan's office, showing that I mean business. I interrupt his little conversation with the blonde guy, who strangely looks familiar. The good thing is that he doesn't say what I have to discuss with Logan is only between us.

I take a seat in front of his desk and go straight to business. "I heard that you're doing business with the Crest Goons."

"Who told you that?" he asks nervously.

"Don't worry about how I know. Answer the question. Is it true or not?"

"Nate buddy, you know how things are in this business."

"Nah, explain it to me." I pull out my gun and put it on my lap. I'm tired of people disrespecting the Dead-Eyes and me. People on the streets are afraid of us, and rightfully so. But the fuckers, who control everything, see us as a bunch of kids making a ruckus. It's time to make our presence known, that we're not to mess with us. They have to take us seriously or suffer the consequences.

"The Crest Goons are offering a better deal and product. And top of that protection."

"So, that's how it is?" I stand up from the leather chair.

"Yes, Nate, I'm sorry, but this is business," Logan stands up as well and proffers his hand. Does this fool think that he can get rid of me that easily? Instead of shaking his hand, I grab him by the lapels of his fancy silk dress shirt.

"Listen here, Logan!" I say menacingly. "Don't screw with me. Do you think those kids can protect you against the Dead-Eye Angels?"

Before Logan can answer, the guy from before barges in. Logan loosens from my grip, and the next thing coming from the dude's mouth catches my attention. He's worried for Shanice. Is it the same girl that has eluded me for the last couple of weeks?

As they're going through the camera footage, a girl in a Playboy Bunny suit bursts through the door. Telling us that a girl is lying outside in the alleyway. My heart races, wishing it isn't Kitten. That she's miles away from here because the stunt she pulled with Bryan's bike will get her killed. But my prayers aren't answered as all four of us get closer to the bloodied and beaten buddy in the alley.

Creeping closer to the body, my eyes widen in shock. Recognition dawns on me like a cold shower. Even with Shanice's face swollen, black and blue. Her curvy physique and glowing dark skin, now covered in bruises, make it clear, this is Shanice. Everything is happening so fast and yet going at a snail's pace. Logan and the guy are arguing loud enough that they fail to notice that I'm here. Then it dawns on me, where's my crew? I didn't see them coming out of the office or at any of the exits. Did Bryan do this? I told him I would handle this shit.

"Nate, help me put the girl in the car," Logan asks me as he opens the back door to his Escalade. Shanice shifts a bit from us, picking her up and laying her on the backseat.

"You and your boys need to get out of here." Logan comes and closes the door.

Instead of answering him, my focus is split between Shanice and hoping that the doc can help her; and the person responsible for harming her, Bryan. I round up around the club to the front entrance where my and the rest of the boy's bikes are parked. As I reach the front, the music keeps beating, and the only hog there is my Harley the rest of the boys have deserted me. No text or phone call, no nothing on where they've gone. As I'm firing my hog, a group of black guys wearing green bandanas comes out of the Zinc, shouting shit at me.

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