⍲The Queen⍲

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Shanice's POV

"What in the hell are you doing here, biker!" I belt towards Nate and enunciate every word with my finger on his hard chest.

"Sha-Shanice, who is this?" Tjwon gets his balls back, well, something because he looks like he's about to pee his pants.

"I don't know him!" I tell him, turning my back to Nate. But that encourages the stupid motherfucker to push my limits as he stands next to me, grabbing my ass and kissing my temple.

"Yo, buddy." Nate directs his attention to Tjwon. "Beat it." And Tjwon doesn't think twice and hightails it out of my place, leaving me alone with a supposed stranger. Men these days. Nate pulls me out of my thoughts with loud chuckles.

"So, princess, did you miss me?" Nate hugs me tighter and squeezes my ass, and although I like the feeling - thank you, alcohol - I can't let Nate get away with chasing my dick for the night.

"You fucking, motherfucker, bastard. What the hell is your problem." I push him away from me, and he budges a little.

"Seems you have fixed that potty mouth of yours while I've been gone."

"Fuck you, piece of shit." I throw the decorative cushions onto him, but with my alcoholic brain, I miss, or he's really good at dodging my frilly missiles.

"Hey, didn't you miss me?" Nate questions.

"Why the fuck would I. You and your fucking buddy always ruin every fucking thing. I was ready to move on..." But I pipe down before I tell this scumbag my feelings. Tears well up to my eyes, and it isn't because I'm missing some bomb ass dick action, not because of happier moments. Nate tries to be a good person, probably a first for him, and comes and hugs me. Warmth fills me from the bottom of my toes to the top of my spine as he caresses my back, but he ruins the moment.

"I can give you some good white dick. You just have to beg."

"You fucking, shitty motherfucker." I push him once again. "Why can't you be a decent human being for once. Why the hell do you have to be such a pig."

"Come on, sweetheart, we both know that from the first day you saw me, you wanted my dick in your mouth." He grabs his package. "It's that haughty taught, black, bougie shit that's keeping you from having a good time."

And that's when I see red. Everyone in Atlanta believes that I'm some pretentious, high-tempered silver-spooned New York princess that can't do anything on her own. But they're wrong. This piece of a shit biker is wrong; every fucking one is fucking wrong! They don't fucking know me. I can stand on my own. I can accomplish anything on my own.

"You're right." I start calmly and stand toe-to-toe against Nate, glaring at him like the Queen that I am. "Do you think I would desecrate my precious lips with the likes of you?" I take a step back and give him a once-over. "You're a lowdown reprobate that has the pleasure to breathe the same air as me. Someone like me, heck anyone with scruples, wouldn't give you the time of day. The only person that could ever find yourself with is the destitute, lascivious women that hang around your infinitesimal MC."

The hurt that flashes in Nate's eyes doesn't bother me at all. He and his racist buddies have pushed me too far, and this last act of him was the last drop. Anger soon replaces the hurt. His pale skin turns carmine. He steps up to me, invading my space, nostrils flaring. But I'm not the least bothered. The gold in his green irises is more prominent, with the pupils becoming smaller. He's definitely abusing one or more drugs. We stand like this for what seems like hours, but it can only be seconds. Until he breaks eye contact and walks out, slamming the door behind him.

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