⍲Is She Gonna Cry⍲

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Shanice's POV

Coming outside, the fall night air hits my naked back. Jin takes his jacket and drapes it on me.

"Where are we going?" I ask him. Instead of answering, he leads me towards the Dragon's SUV. I slide inside, and he follows behind. He places his hand on my thigh and starts caressing it. The silence is deafening inside the car as I stare outside towards the New York skyline.

"Why have you been ignoring me, Shanice?" Jin finally breaks the silence.

"Oh, have I?" I play dumb he knows damn well why. He scoots closer and grabs my face, and crashes his lips on me. When he releases my lips, he continues.

"Don't play dumb, Shanice. Are you staying and taking your rightful place?"

"No, my stay is temporary, Jin,"

"When are you going to get over this," he spreads his hand all over the car to simulate our rift.

I look at him and earnestly say, "When you choose me over them.""

Jin flinches as if my words slapped him across the face. Granted, this is the first time I told him why I wouldn't be with him. He recovers quickly and strengthens his resolve. "It's too late for that," he answers, locking his gaze into me even though someone who would have felt sorry would have looked away.

"Two years, Jin, I suffered and went through hell for two years, and you did nothing. You chose to not be by my side, and every time I brought it up-"

"I changed the subject," he finishes for me. "I couldn't bear to hear what you were going through."

"It wasn't that you couldn't bear it. It was that you didn't find it important. You didn't prioritize me!" I point to myself.

Not even a hint of regret passes his face. Instead, it blazes with resolve. "That's behind us. You have your duty, and I have mine. You have to move past it-"

I cut him off with a shake of my head. "No, Jin. I can't, I will not. Your actions prove that you are not the partner I deserve."

"I have never in my whole life wanted anybody the way I want you, Shanice. You know this to be true. I will never forgive myself for abandoning you in your time of need. I know I hurt you," he grabs my face once again and gets rid of the tears with his thumb. "That's on me, I was dishonorable, and I will do anything to make you forget," he kisses my lips, "to make you trust me again," he deepens the second kiss.

His words are doing a number on me. Still, I manage to squeeze out. "You're trying to manipulate me."

He moves his lips between my neck and behind my ear and whispers, "I know it's going to be a long time before I can forgive myself for hurting you, Shanice." He turns his gaze on me and deadpans. "Believe I will earn your trust. You can count on me, baby."

The driver stops at Jin's private townhouse in Carnegie Hill. We stop our make-out session as we slide out of the vehicle. Inside, the place looks as I remember it, with the absence of needless trumpery and deliberateness and the presence of elegance's simplicity and practicality. Different shades of white and brown decorate the place while still having traditional details.

Jin cuts my admiration for the place short as he drags me upstairs to his master bedroom. Unlike downstairs, the master bedroom is a splash of mahogany and black, lacking minimalistic elements and full of technological conveniences. Jin closes the thick industrial door behind him. In two strides, he's in front of me and kisses me passionately, sliding his thick tongue between my lips.

"Jin..." I moan.

"Yeah, baby." He takes my hand and lays it on his hard dick, and I stroke it, hard, through his slacks. My entire body feels hotter, and irritation sears through me as Jin looks at me with his dark eyes roaming my face. The soft whisper of clothes coming off and the rip of the condom fill the bedroom. He pushes me onto the bed, naked, and he strokes his cock. This is us, Jin and I, no love between us, just fucking. However, he'll not get it that easily, even if I'm naked on his bed, dripping like a fountain. I move to stand up.

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