⍲Bye, Bye, Blondie⍲

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Shanice's POV

Mirla, my mother's assistant, helps me get through my mother's business and society duties throughout the week. The petite young woman is a little energizer bunny that helps me keep everything in check. No wonder mom has kept her around for almost a decade.

"Is there any news about my mother?"

"Yes, according to her therapist, she's responding well to therapy, and she's participating in group activities."

"Really?" I ask, baffled. Cassandra Monroe Ito, the former debutante, has the skill to politely say fuck off, and you wouldn't even catch the shade. Unfortunately, that skill hasn't graced me because if my mouth doesn't say it, my face undoubtedly will. "What do we have on the agenda today?"

"The usual brunch with the ladies, a late lunch with a new client for the accounting firm, and also Jin called if you would like to have dinner,"

At the last one, I rolled my eyes. Like, damn boy, I know you want my pussy as much as I want your dick, but jeez. Reading my mind Mirla hands me a heavy manila envelope. Has definitely earned her place at my mother's side.

"Thank you,"

"Oh, I almost forgot Miss Avarie Foster called if for you and your group of friends to come out tonight."

"Thank you for informing. Could you set up,"

"Already have. I've made reservations for a VIP room at the DL,"

"Well damn girl, no wonder mom likes you."

"Thank you for the compliment Shanice-sama,"


"Girl is about damn time that you got your damn behind up in here," Avarie yells from across the room.

"Girl, you know I have to make an entrance," I shout back, twerking my ass up on her and Kelsey. The one-shoulder, silk gold dress wraps around my hips, and the right side of my body is entirely exposed with only a piece of fabric holding my tit in place.

"Shanice, I can see your entire black ass," Kelsey disapproves.

"Girl, that's the point," Kelsey rolls her eyes but gives me a small smile.

Throughout the night, we split our time drinking champagne and dancing on the dancefloor below. When we return, the vibe in the room gets all serious; as I take a look around the second floor, I get why, damn-fucking-Jin.

"Shanice, don't let that asshole ruin your night," Kelsey slurs her words.

"Nah, he doesn't affect me at all." Of course, he does. He always does and always will. God and my pillow know how many times I cried for Jin, about Jin, and because of Jin. I still love him, but failing to be for me when I needed him when Serenity passed away was the last straw. I could deal with him having girls on the side because I also had mine. I could deal with him putting the Dragons first because I had to. But what I couldn't and can't accept is for him not being next to me when I needed him the most. I know I'm strong and independent, but sometimes you want your partner to hold you. But Jin didn't find that important. For two years, he put everything and everyone before me until I had enough and decided to break it on my own.

"Yeah, fuck that bitch," Kelsey yells. Avira, on the other hand, is jumping around like she has ants in her pants. The dancing gene sure missed on her black ass. "Come on, Shanice, let's go dance. I see a white boy who needs a black booty grinding upon him."

As we head downstairs, again, these freaking heels are going to kill me. The dance floor is even more packed than before. People grinding and bumping on each other, barely any room. Even so, Kelsey and I shake what our momma gave us, with me trying to get the attention of the tattooed, devil-looking hottie. Kelsey motions that he's behind me, and I almost break my back, twerking to him. If anyone said that twerking is easy that you just need a fat ass, they are lying. I will definitely need an ice pack tomorrow morning.

Tattoo hottie wraps his arm around my waist, and even though it's dark, I can still make out the familiar tattoo on his hands, reminding me of a certain biker shit. If he weren't such an asshole and had control of his crew, I would have sex with him because why not. Nate is hot. His green eyes mesmerize me and his morning wood tells me that between my legs would be sore from riding him. As I'm thinking of the stupid biker, blondie here whispers something similar to German. With his hands crawling up my thigh, I know exactly what he means.

Looking at the VIP section, I see Jin staring daggers at me. Like who the fuck does he think he is. If I want some stranger to fill me up in a nightclub, Jin doesn't have shit to say. I didn't tell him anything when he was busy with his side chicks. On top of that, we're not together.

As I take my focus off Jin and continue to dance with tattoo blondie, he sneaks his hand up my thigh until I grab it. I turn around and shake my head no. Even though I want to piss a particular Japanese guy off, I'm not letting this stranger do that in public. I'm not in Atlanta, so anything that I do is under a microscope. However, blondie is into that and starts shouting. Thankfully, the music is too loud to get anyone's attention. If I only knew what he was talking about, I would have put the foreign boy in his place instead I strot to the VIP area.

"Where the fuck you going," he shouts in accented English.

"Away from you!" I snap back. He grabs my upper arm and tries to drag me to God knows where. "Get your filthy paws off me, you dick," Before I can hold his fist to get loose. Jin and his men surround us.

"The lady doesn't want to do anything with you," Jin says.

"She wants dick," blondie grabs his package, which is quite impressive. But not tonight. Tonight he's an asshole, and no freaking way I'm going anywhere near him. Jin steps closer to him and whispers something in his ear. Blondie boy releases me in a huff and apologies to me and Jin. And walks away. However, three of Jin's men follow him outside the club.

"Goodbye, blondie, it was nice meeting you," I shout as loud as I can to the dude. I turn back to Jin. "Thank you, Jin-san," I say to Jin. Even though I could have handled the situation myself, it's customary to show my gratitude since we're in public.

"Come on," he smirks and grabs my hand.

Blondie came in too hot. Good thing Jin was there to put the little boy in his place. What do guys think of Shanice's ex? 

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