⍲She's Nothing But A Gold Digger⍲

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Nate's POV

After the sun sets over Tulane Avenue, shadows emerge on the corner between North Claiborne and South Carrollton Avenue. Women in high heels and short skirts flag down passing cars, selling themselves for as little as $50.

Over the past few decades, this stretch of New Orleans has become a notorious destination for prostitution and drug activity between nightclubs and one-star restaurants. At the epicenter center of it all lies the Golden Claw.

According to my contact, the Vietnamese gang has run these streets and most of New Orleans for more than two decades, and no one has come close to toppling them down. But I'm not here to destroy their business, but to get my mother out of another mess.

Right at the center of Tulane Avenue is the titty bar, Sunset Strip, classy. Walking up to the bouncer, I hand him a hundred-dollar bill, letting him know that I'm here for the real stuff. He talks into his walkie-talkie and lets me in.

Stepping inside the Sunset Strip, you wouldn't guess that it would be a high-end strip club. Various color lights shine on the women taking their clothes off for men in suits. Beautiful girls without c-section scars prance around carrying expensive champagne bottles and whiskey.

A hostess escorts me to the VIP section, pours me a glass of champagne on the house, and hands me a black leathered menu. She explains how the club works. There are several pictures of women dressed provocatively, primarily Asians, a few blondes, and even fewer blacks and brownies. I pick the least expensive one, who looks Chinese or Vietnamese or Korean, all look the same.

"Excellent choice, sir. Mary will be with you shortly." She takes the menu and saunters off. And as she said, a few minutes later, the girl I picked bounces into my private booth.

"Hi, my name is Mary," she giggles, all shy like those Chinese girls you see in movies. Mary takes a seat next to me and tries to pull down her skimpy skirt. Her outfit barely covers her flat ass and ginormous tits. What is it with these women down here with their non-existent asses? A flash of Shanice straddling me with her big ass flashes in front of me. If she wasn't so rude, I would have tapped that ass already. I don't know about that woman; she pisses me off and turns me on at the same time. Too bad her fucking mouth gets in the way.

In the time I'm reminiscing about Shanice's ass, Mary smacks her lips. God, she talks too much. I've forgotten how hard it's not to pull out my Desert Eagle and blast an irritating bitch in the face. Raking a hand over my face, I dispel the thought before it plays out. Mary might as well be carrying info about the Golden Claw and Tammy's location. She isn't here, I already checked, and she isn't on these streets hooking, so they must be keeping her somewhere.

I hold my hand up, stopping Mary in midconversation. "Do you have somewhere that's more private?"

"Sure," she beams and takes my hand, dragging me through a narrow hallway filled with rooms on both sides. The further we go, the louder the moans, grunts, and 'just like that, daddy' get. Almost at the end of the corridor, she stops at a door and unlocks it with her keycard. "This my room..."

"Alec," I supply as I step inside.

"This is my private space, where I entertain," she giggles. Ugh, shoot me now.

The room explodes with pink and red, and of course, the stench of sex. Mary lets my hand go and sits on the bed, ready to perform. But I can't give her my dick without getting something in return. Time to put on the Southern charm. Taking a seat next to her, I place her small hands into mine, stroking the back with my thumb. She giggles again, and her cheeks blush.

Killing the urge to strangle her, I ask, "Why don't you tell me about yourself, Mary?"

"What would you like to know," she giggles again. I bury the temptation to throttle her tiny neck. This chick is so fucking annoying.

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