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Bryan's POV

What in the hell is she wearing? Why would she prance around in a cheerleading uniform? With every step she takes, the sparkles in her black and red skirt and top become clearer. The giant red bow on top of her head, her apple-red lips, downright to the sway of her hips remind me of her.

With a scowl, the black bitch stomps towards the fence. Her nostrils flare. "What's your problem?" she demands.

Red-hot rage roared through my mind to the shenanigans she's pulled with Nate. "You are my problem, you fucking cunt. Coming up here and making a ruckus for our President!"

"Nate is a grown-ass man. If he's fed up with me, HE can leave me alone. But he doesn't. So, take up your issue with him, not me!"

"He wants nothing to do with a fucking ugly, fat black bitch!"

"That wasn't what he was saying last time I saw him." She wags her head back and forth, puckering her plump lips.

"You're fucking liar!"

"Ask him."

"I don't need to ask him. I know he wouldn't touch the likes of you."

A beat of silence goes by before she opens her mouth again.

"...oh, I know what's going on here. You're projecting." She crosses her arms.


"You don't think I'm an ugly, fat bitch." She tilts her head to the side. "You think that about yourself." She points her red finger-tipped finger at me.

"Booboo, who hurt you?" she mocks. "Who told you were a fat, hideous bastard that no one in their right mind would be caught next to!" she replies with a derisive smile spreading over her face.

The loud, taunting laugh she unleashes afterward spreads throughout the neighborhood. I turn my head back, and the boys join in on the fun, pointing at me like I'm a monkey in a zoo who's there for their dumb entertainment. But I'm not; I turn back to point to the real ape, to the one that they should be ridiculing.

Except Shanice isn't there anymore but she and her friends, cracking it up like hyenas. Mocking me, making me feel like I'm some piece of shit. The laughter fades away, and only she remains in her preppy black and red. Her nose wrinkles in disgust of my presence.

The urge to squeeze the last bit of air out of her lungs until she begs me to stop, comes in full force.

Die! ... Die! ... Die!

A hand lands on my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. My gaze turns to Kade, the Dead-Eye Angels' Vice President.

"Dude, you alright?" he asks me with concerned eyes.

"Yeah," I say to him, turning around to look at him.

"You need to leave that chick alone," Kade deadpans, his concern morphing to indifference.

I remove his hand. "I did nothing! She's the one messing with Nate, our President, YOUR President!" my voice shoots up so that he can understand my point.

"Nate can handle himself, and didn't you learn your lesson last time? Do you want Nate to knock your ass out again?" he emphasizes the last part.

"Whatever. I don't have time for this shit," I huff, taking a seat on Nate's porch. Maddock, another Dead-Eye member, hands me a cold one.

Memories of when Maddock, Nate, Kade, and I used to hang out flood my mind. Back then, we talked about how we would change the Dead-Eye Angels for the better. How we wouldn't tolerate shit from anyone, establish our dominance. But now Nate has forgotten that promise-.

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