⍱Thanks, But No Thanks⍱

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Shanice's POV

I throw my head back and cackle at Nate's scowl. Serves the dickhole right. The fucker didn't want to move. So, I made a choice for him. The drive home is silent, and back home, the streets are empty - no bikers.

It pours the moment I step out of the car. I run for cover, and I find a pile of mail and brochures on my doorstep. Damn, can't these people slide it through the mail slot? I pick them up and throw them on the foyer table. My bed is calling me. It's been a long and 'exciting' start to my Saturday, and I need to decompress.

But before I can flop on my bed, I grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator and a family-size pack of Lay's paprika chips. With my snacks ready and laptop in hand, I go to my bedroom to re-watch House of Cards on Netflix while I paint on my tablet.

I get up to either use the bathroom or grab another snack. The world outside of my earbuds is dead to me, especially since I don't have a phone. Speaking of which, I have to buy one. Fuck that dickhole biker!

Ugh. I wonder if my boss will give me a work phone. Chances are slim, but it doesn't hurt to ask. But all of my data, pictures and everything else is on my old phone, fuck. Dammit, that means I have to go outside and get it. I look at my nightstand clock, and it's 1.43 am. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Hopefully, there's no one out there.

Before I can make the trek outside, a mail notification pops on my tablet. It's dad, and once again, he asks me when I'm coming back home. I answer back with the same message from the past few months: 'Let me live my life.'

The clock now blinks 2.43. Ugh, it took me an hour to reply to a single email. No surprise, it always takes a lot of time and effort to communicate with my parents, and this time around, it made me even later to look for my phone.

"Guess I have to go outside and see if my phone is still out there."

I put on my green satin kimono with white cherry blossoms, a gift from my ex-boyfriend Jin. I wouldn't say I enjoy wasting money, but you have to splurge on the simple pleasures of life, like candles, bathrobes, towels, and lotions. Let's just say I'm a valued customer at Bed Bath & Beyond. So, when Jin gifted me the kimono, I showed him how grateful I was. The mere thought of him and my kitty box already misses him.

Before I even think of stepping foot outside, I take a peek - it's still quiet, weird. Wasting no time, I head towards the bus stop with a flashlight in hand. Fifteen minutes later and I still can't find my phone.

"Where are you?!?"

It's already late. I have better luck finding it in the morning. As I approach my house, guess who's there sitting on my porch swing and holding my busted phone. Damn fucking Nate, the President of the miscreants.

"Looking for this?" He holds up my busted phone with a smug. He's such an irritating ass.

"Yes, give it to me!" I leap at him.

But the fucker has other plans and stands up and holds my phone above his head.

"Ok, stop with the games, biker, and give me my phone back," I command. It's too damn early or late; however, you want to put it for this bullshit.

"What do you say?"


"Wrong answer."

I try to reach for my phone while holding on to my fucking kimono - which I'm butt naked under. And this douche laughs, like I'm some freaking circus dog, doing tricks for his entertainment.

"You know what, keep it. I'll get a new one Monday." Well, I hope my boss gives me one.

"No need sweetheart. I got you one."

"What?" My eyes narrow to Nate's left hand, which reaches behind the swing's cushion and pulls out a small box.

"Here. Bryan shouldn't have broken your phone." He shoves what appears to be a brand new iPhone into my hand. But I can't accept it.

"Thanks, but no thanks. I want nothing that has to do with you or your gang. And besides, it's probably stolen. I don't want the cops coming knocking on my door."

"Has anyone taught you on how not to be an ungrateful bitch? I'm trying to be nice, and you're making it difficult."

"If you wanted me to be thankful you should have put your boy on a leash." My refusal ticks him off because he comes closer to me, invading my personal space, and presses his forehead against mine. But also, without me even realizing Nate's arm reaches around my waist and pulls me into him.

What the heck is he trying to do? Intimidate me with his cold green eyes or the fucking hanging rod between his legs, which makes an impressive imprint against his sweatpants.

Two can play this game. I return the glare with much enthusiasm and rub my hardened nipples into Nate's chest. They are hard as fuck, not because of Nate, but because it's almost 3 am and too damn cold outside.

Bitch who ya lying to. It's hot as hell.

"Just give me MY phone and give THAT one to one of your biker sluts." I point to the iPhone that's now on the swing.

A smirk replaces his frown, and then the little bubble of indignation bursts with his chuckle. Like what I said amused him. But I know better. He thinks he won.

"Why darling, don't need to be jealous. You're the only lady that has a place in my heart. Now take the damn phone Shanice," he asserts. And once again, his jade-colored eyes bore into my orbs. What's wrong with this dude?

"Fine," I reply without looking away and ignoring his previous statement. This idiot will not throw me off my game. His skanks may fall for his pretty words, but I heard them all before. I'm immune to his southern charm.

Nate disrupts my thoughts by squeezing my butt and delivering a hard spank afterward. A small yelp flees my mouth. What the hell! He's still looking at me like he's a predator, and I'm his prey.

"Good night, Kitten," Nate titters, and my brain stutters, failing to comprehend what just happened. Even my body goes on automatic pause.

Meanwhile, Nate is already at his place, and I'm here standing like a stupid-idiot. He definitely won this battle.

It takes a cold gust of wind to get my head working again. I don't know how I get under my covers, but I'm glad I'm in bed. Without realizing it sleeps overtakes me till the early morning, where a fucking revving wakes me up. Goddammit, it's too damn early.

"FUCK YOU BIKER!" I shout at the top of my lungs. My eyes glance over to the clock, and it's 8.43 am. Why, oh why, does this fucker have to work on his cycle right now? I should have asked him not to work on his bike so damn early instead of taking the damn iPhone.

Don't mess with Shanice's beauty sleep. Do you also sleep in during the weekends?

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