⍲She Likes To Be Facefucked⍲

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Nate's POV

After almost getting my foot run over by Shanice, I head back to the shop. Although this damn woman gets on my nerves. It's like we're Tony and Carmela Soprano. But I can't focus on Shanice right now.

I have to deal with bigger problems than my over-seasoned next-door neighbor, a.k.a the Crest Goons.

The Crest Goons started out as a bunch of black kids dealing weed on a few street corners on Marvin Park in South Atlanta's ghettos. With the number of gangs operating from that part of town, you'd think these kids will get gunned down for dealing on someone else's turf. But that wasn't the case. These fuckers actually expanded and forged alliances with other smaller gangs to take on the bigger ones. Now they're the biggest gang operating from South Atlanta.

But now, these motherfuckers want to step on my turf. Downtown Atlanta belongs to the Dead-Eye Angels. It always has, and it always will. And we'll go to war if we have to. I would burn Atlanta down into the ground before giving it up.

A few days ago, we caught one of their Lieutenants lazing near the shop. So we've invited him over, and he's been a guest of ours ever since. But the boy doesn't want to spill for shit. Bryan has pulled out his teeth and blew out his kneecap with a sledgehammer. But nothing, zilch. The fucker's been keeping his trap shut. But eventually, he'll spill.

Me and the boys stay the entire day at the garage, hanging out, partying. Dylan's Bike Shop was the first legitimate business my grandfather owned. Over the years, I've expanded the place to not only repair custom bikes but to sell them too. The front is where we sell parts, riding gear, and motorcycles. In the back has an office and several other rooms when we need to crash. The repair section is next door, and it has a wide-open space in the back, where we chill.

Tonight, like almost every other night, we're having a party. Because why not? Stacey and the girls come over with food and more beers. But I can't enjoy myself. The Crest Goons shit is still playing in my head, over and over. And you know what's worse, Shanice's cackles are ringing between my ears.

There's only one way to clear my head. I grab Stacey, who's sitting on one of my boy's lap, and drag her to one of the shop's empty rooms. I need to loosen up to deal with the Crest Goons.

The room is empty except for a mattress and a sheet.

"Get on your knees," I say to Stacey as I stand behind her.

She knows what she needs to do. She goes on her knees, takes my belt off, and buttons my pants. Even though my cock is hanging, Stacey takes her hand and wraps it around my dick, looking at it, examining it.

"Hurry it up." My words come out terse. I need this release right now.

She runs her tongue up and down my shaft. The sensations in my body slowly build up. It feels good as she laps me with her tongue on my mushroom head, wrapping it so nicely. Her mouth is incredible. She swallows me halfway and starts sucking and jacking me off at the same time. Slobbering on my cock like it was the only source of water, and she's dying of thirst.

My cock is hard in her mouth. Stacey grabs me by the hips to slide my pants further down. She takes me deep in her throat and goes at it again. Sucking me with her thick lips. She tries to cup my balls, but I slap her hands away. As skilled as Stacey is, she doesn't know how to handle them. They're goddamn sensitive. The slightest squeeze and she will regret ever meeting me.

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