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Since I left New York a few days ago, I've been staying with Karl. Well, not exactly. I've been staying at his apartment while he's with Alex, living it up at his mansion. But tonight, the bestie, which I say sarcastically, graces me with his presence.

"So, Shany, what are you wearing tonight?" Karl questions from the open ensuite bathroom.

"I don't know. Something simple, I guess. I got this cute number while shopping with mom," I hold a green ribbed high-waist midi skirt with a matching long sleeve crop top. "What do you think?"

"It looks hot on you. I've got to say you've sure stepped up your style since Hendrick's formal wear mandate."

"Don't remind me of work or that jerk," I deadpan. Anything related to work will indeed ruin the weekend vibe.

"I'm just saying you look good," Karl steps out in a matching forest green shirt and slim fit, ripped black jeans.

"How do I look?" Karl asks while doing a 360.

"Well, Alex has improved your style. You look hot." I touch his peck and sizzle. In the background, another report of a missing black girl flashes on the TV screen. It's a damn shame what's happening to these marginalized communities, especially the women.

Settling in Karl's new car, we talk about everything I've missed, like people quitting because of Hendrick's tyrant ass and my issues with my family and Jin.

"What are you gonna do, sweetheart?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't have a set plan yet. But I will work on it as soon as I get my professional life in order."

As we reach the nightclub, I can't help, but my jaw drops to the floor.

"Wow, your friend is loaded, Karl!" The line for the entrance runs back around the block. For those who have an invite, like Karl, we get the complete VIP treatment. Starting from a valet and a personal escort to the upper, exclusive area of the nightclub. Zinc is the epitome of the high life, champagne girls strutting up and down the club carrying Dom Perignon and Clicquot bottles. It wasn't that long that I was enjoying that life. But what I had to give up wasn't worth it.

The flashing lights match the dance beats that the DJ is spinning, making everybody shake what their momma gave them. The girls dancing behind plexiglass cages add an extra edginess to the club. Finally, the hostess brings us to our area, and we do quick work to drown in champagne, well me, since Karl doesn't like alcohol.

After consuming several glasses of Dom Perignon, tall, dark handsome catches my attention. Karl waves him over. Thank you, Karl. I need someone to get rid of the memory of Jin even though I damn know that's virtually impossible.

"That's Logan, the owner of Zinc," Karl explains to me. Well handsome and successful business, already checking a few boxes. Upon closer look, Logan is definitely attractive; his thick dark locks prickle me to run my fingers through his hair. And that five o'clock shadow and piercing black eyes will make anyone's knees wobble.

"You've made it," Logan exclaims as he and Karl share a bro hug. "And who is this?" Logan motions to me.

Karl breaks the hug and turns to meet me, and grabs my hand holding it high. "This beautiful, intelligent lady is my friend Shanice." Didn't I say that Karl knows and gets a woman?

I extend my hand towards Logan. "Hi, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, darling." He takes my hand and kisses the back of it. I couldn't help but blush. The Southern charm will get to any girl.

"Logan, stop playing. We all know that you are not interested in women," Karl interrupts the moment.

"Hey, it doesn't hurt to try and see how far I can get"

"Stop it, Logan. That shit isn't funny." Karl comes in between. Guess who will be tonight's cockblocker. I wouldn't have minded if a man complimented and whispered sweet nothings the entire night.

Logan shrugs. "Sorry." But by the looks of it, he isn't apologetic. "Nice to meet you, Shanice, and welcome to Zinc."

For the rest of the night, Karl and I split our time between the dance floor and me drinking in the VIP area. The nightclub has a particular dress code, so when I see several men in leather jackets walk in, I know they don't belong. And I'm not the only one who notices. The people on the dancefloor part like the Red Sea, with a certain green-eyed dillhole leading the pack of miscreants.

Nate and his stooges head to a door-marked office on the opposite end of the VIP area. I wonder what he and Logan have to do with each other, but it isn't my business. Heading back downstairs, I continue to dance with a handsome chocolate man who grabs my attention the moment my feet hit the dance floor.

A creepy feeling crawls up on my spine through the entire night like someone is watching me, keeping tabs on my movement. The time I go look around, there's no one behind me or anywhere else to see. I search for Karl, who is nowhere to be seen, and the foreboding feeling that something unpleasant will happen hits me in full force.

Oh, no, Shanice senses something. What do you think will happen?

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