⍱Concrete Jungle⍱

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Dad's last phone call still plays in my head. I left New York for a reason, and it's for the most cliché reason ever. I left my home because of a man. Well, it wasn't the only thing. Serenity's death also played an indirect role in my departure. The loss of a sister, your partner, your ride-or-die, lingers in my heart, even after two years. Her absence is a daily reminder that I'm alone, no one that understands me. I thought that having Jin by my side would help fill the void. But his priorities were elsewhere.

Old metal music blasting from outside snaps me out of my memory, and I have a new target in mind. Seeing Bryan prancing around with Serenity's kimono and smashing her figurines has brought me to tears. I've never done anything to Bryan or Nate. Everything that I've done these last few months was a reaction to their provocation.

I've never sneaked into Nate's house and destroyed his shit, nor have I messed with his bike. And he does this to me? Again the tears begin to fall. Your Name was Serenity's favorite anime, a boy and girl switching bodies and exploring each other's worlds, from the busy streets of Tokyo to the rural side of Japan. It brought Serenity to tears. When we were in Japan, we visited each location where the movies were based on. Even Jin had fun going back home and acting as our tour guide.

The shouting and screaming once again pull me out of my thoughts.

"Damn these fucking bikers. Damn you, Nate, you and your buddies are gonna pay for this!" I yell in my tiny living room.

Stepping into the shower, The shitty water pressure isn't enough to calm my senses and let me think. It does the opposite. Once again, my mind floats back to Serenity when we were at the natural hot springs in Gero-shi.

"Shany, you don't need to fly off the handle every time shit goes left," Serenity says.

"Girl, those fucking bitches asked for it. How dare they insult you, us. Do they think that we don't know Japanese, those assless sluts." I clap my hands. Meanwhile, Serenity laughs at my outburst.

"Shanice, in these sorts of situations, cool heads prevail."

"Serenity, get the fuck out of here with that Buda shit. We're from Harlem. You know that we throw down and put bitches in their place."

"But this isn't Harlem. We don't have to show our dominance and strength with our fists."

"Did dad teach you that?"

"As a matter of fact, he did. He told me that this would happen."

"Well, mom told me to put them whores in their place."

Serenity rolls her eyes. And tries once again. "Come on, Shanice, let's get in the onsen and relax. Afterward, we'll know what to do with those shrews.

And as a matter of fact, we did. After a few hours in the onsen, Serenity and I formed a plan that let those bitches know not to mess with us ever again. Even their grandchildren will know that their granny messed with the wrong one.

"Serenity, you were right," I hesitantly say to my sister.

She cups her ear. "Did I hear you correctly?"

I roll my eyes. "You were right."

"Thank you, Shani-chan, for admitting who's the wiser sister."

"Girl, you know damn well I did not say that." I come and hug her as we walk down the dark streets of Gero.

"Oh, my dear Shani-chan." She taps my shoulder. "I love you too."

"Thank you, Serenity. I know now what to do." After my shower, I put on my black silk PJs that Jin gifted me. At least, the dick knows what I like. The ruckus outside is never-ending. As I step outside and take a seat on my couch swing. I ignore the loud party and continue reading my Nora Roberts book, and of course, with my earbuds.

For the last few days, this is my routine, learning each of these fucker's movements. What time do they arrive, leave, and with whom? All their little routines. They're so predictable, amateur losers who don't know how to run in a gang. I wonder why no one hasn't taken them down.

Their members are skinny bitches that carry guns that are way too big for them. They are loud and obnoxious, bringing too much attention to themselves. It won't surprise me if they haven't finished elementary school. What kind of gang would have such foot soldiers. Their high ranking is no better. They're drunk outcasts who instead spent their time fucking skanks. The right-hand man is never around, probably embarrassed that he has to control a bunch of nitwits. And their leader, speaking of.

"Hey," Nate walks up to me and takes a sits next to me. Before he has a chance to talk, I stand up. However, Nate grabs my wrist.

"Kitten, I just wanna talk," Who is this fucker? Why the fuck is he still calling me Kitten, our fun tit-for-tat is over. No more nicknames. I roll my eyes. He stands up while still holding my wrist. But before he can utter a word, I escape the wrist grab effortlessly. Nate looks at me flabbergasted. I haven't talked to the fucker in over two weeks, and I will not start now. With that, I take my leave and lock myself into my room, counting the hours until those fuckers are out cold with the sleeping pills I dropped in their whiskey. Messy ass bitches, who will leave their drink lying around.


After a while, only the music blares from the house next door. I put on my black jeggings, shoes, and sweater. And head towards my backyard. Nate's place is older than mine and the other houses in the neighborhood. And as such, he still has an above-ground septic system, a very old one. One that anyone can access.

I throw the water pump over the fence, and I jump it too, nearly getting caught, but luckily I escape with only a scratch on my thigh. I make work of lowering the pump down the hole of the homemade septic system. It cost me a pretty penny to get this shit. I had to ask Hendrick for an advance. He was already hesitant in giving me time off. But with a batting of my eyelashes and a few compliments, he caved. He definitely has a fetish for black women, the poor sap.

I take the hose off the pump and spray the sewage around Nate's front yard. Including where their bikes are. Bryan gets the extra treatment when I stick the hose in his motorcycle's exhaust and fill it with shit. This is for the racist crap you threw at me and for mocking me with Serenity's Your Name stuff.

The stench is unbearable, but I have to keep it up until I'm done. After I cover the entire yard and where the bikes are located. I go back to my place and grab the bag of the plot to cover the stench a bit. After an hour, the disgusting mud is frozen, well that is until the sun comes up in the morning. With the first light of the sun coming up in a few hours, I go back to my place and hop in the shower removing all the filth. It takes me about an hour to feel like my vanilla-scented again. With my purse in hand, I wait for the Uber Black, a good thing I didn't close Serenity's account, to take me to the airport.

The driver hops out of the black Mercedes and greets me good morning, sporting a charming smile. Damn, somebody is working extra hard for a tip. He opens the door for me, and I slide in.

"Damn, I miss the smell of luxury."

The driver grabs my suitcases and puts them in the back. The drive to the airport is short as I make conversation with the young driver, who keeps checking me out in the rearview mirror. I don't look dressed for the airport. Going back to New York, there's a particular dress code I must adhere to. After all, the Harlem Queen is returning to her former kingdom.

Have you ever gone as far as Shanice to pull off a prank?

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