⍲Happy Birthday⍲

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Shanice's POV

What was that all about?" Karl asks me when we step inside his car.

"Putting a bitch in their place," I answer. Even though it doesn't feel like it.

"Shanice, you shouldn't mess with him. He looks like trouble."

"Thanks for your concern, Karl. But I'm sick and tired of Bryan's childish pranks. The bitch had it coming." I snap my fingers from left to right.

"Alright, alright, Miss Harlem, just be careful," he chuckles.

"Let's focus on our routine instead of my stupid neighbor."

"Shanice, no!"

"Karl, we're doing that performance, or I'm kicking you out of the Britney Army."

"Fine, Shanice, whatever you say." He rolls his eyes.

"Good." I smile back at him.


At the gate to Alex's house in North Buckhead, we stop at the valet. As we walk up the circular concrete driveway, loud techno music reverberates from the stone mansion.

"Wow, so this is Alex's place?" I ask Kokopuffs. He nods at my question—car salesman my ass. By the look of the 10,000 square foot home, he's not more than a salesman. Alex damn well owns the dealership and not one, but several.

Gold 'Happy Birthday' balloons decorate the front entryway, and when we step inside, horny butterflies flutter around my stomach. Shirtless men holding trays with champagne flutes greet us in the foyer. Their abs distract me from the beauty of the two-story foyer with the silver leaf dome.

"Come on, Shanice, stop ogling the boys." Karl drags me down to the living room area. The light-skinned server winks at me, and I can't help but lick my upper lip.

"You better not hook up with one of them fuckboys, Shanice," Karl deadpans.

"Easy for you to say. You've been getting it on the regular." Karl's cheeks turn bright red. "I'll make you a deal Kokopuffs, we won't do our Britney dance if you don't throw a hissy fit when I hook up with the server." I point my head to the waiters at the foyer.

"Deal," Karl agrees.

We do our sideway slaps and press our fists and thumbs against each other.

"Now, birthday boy, let's celebrate."

I open the large, wooden slide doors, and everyone inside yells, happy birthday. Alex came up with the theme 'Come As You Were' where everyone wears what they would have been wearing at a particular time in their life. But the customs vary from superheroes to nerds to plain-down people in zombie makeup.

The partygoers come up to Karl and wish him a happy birthday and well wishes. Then Alex comes up and plants a big, wet kiss on the birthday boy's lips. Talk about wow. Alex and Kokopuffs are not on the down-low, but their relationship is well on the private side. Well, not with that display.

"Let's get this party started," Karl shouts.

Shots of Patron and various other alcohol make their way down my throat. The DJ mixes multiple old and new songs, from Tupac to Swedish House Mafia to Pitbull, that blast through the multi-room audio system. I'm having the best time.

My gaze lands on Kokopuffs and Alex. He's having the best time with his man, slow dancing and sharing pecks; no one can burst their bubble. I'm happy; he's happy. But in the back of my hand, I can't help but wonder when it's going to be my time.

A pair of hands grab my waist from behind, pulling me out of my thoughts. My nipples harden at the sight of the waiter from earlier.

"Hey, you. Done with your shift," I say to the waiter.

He leans down to my ear. "Yeah, they only needed me for the first hour."

"Well, it's your lucky night."


I don't know for how long we move up and down the dancefloor, but one thing's for sure: Tjwon knows how to hit it from the back. His momma must have been as high as a kite when he named him. But the brother can shake, sway, drop those hips low, matching each beat. Then the lights turn on, and the DJ stops mixing. Alex comes up to the stage with a microphone.

"Everyone, if you could follow me outside, I want to show Karl his birthday present."

We saunter to the front yard, and in the distance, a pair of headlights peer through the fog.

"No, you did not," Karl, who's in front of us, exclaims.

"Anything for you," Alex replies.

Guess what Alex, the car dealer owner who couldn't give me a break, got for Kokopuffs, a freaking, brand new Ford Mustang Mach-E with a gold bow on the hood. The car roars to life when it reaches us. Its lucid red coating shines under the garden lighting but not as bright as the love Alex and Karl share for each other.

"Ok, let's go back inside and enjoy the rest of the party," Alex shouts.


After dancing up a storm with Tjwon, we hang back at a secluded section in the lounge area. Tjwon's pretty amber eyes have me mesmerized, but the brother's mouth yaps a lot.

In the last thirty minutes, Tjwon talked about how he's doing the hot-waiter stuff while he pursues a modeling career, his mother, how he's gonna make it big. Blah, blah, blah. Having enough, I snake my tongue into his mouth while my hand roams over his washboard abs.

He catches on quite fast. Tjwon hand crawls under my cheerleading shorts and plays with my clit, massaging it back and forth. Two of his digits find my pussy. "Not here. Let's go to my place," I purr in his ear.

He pulls out his hand and takes his time, licking each finger. With every index that leaves his thick lips, my panties get wetter—time for momma to get some D.

We say our goodbyes to Karl and Alex, who, without a doubt, will not miss me.

The drive back to my place doesn't take long, thanks to Tjwon shitty driving. If you thought New York cab drivers were bad, let me tell you they don't hold a candle to homeboy. The dude blew off several stop signs and almost hit an old man, and he has the audacity to blame the pedestrian.

Thank goodness, when we arrive at my place, the streets are quiet, aka no bikers. The street and porch light illuminates our path to my door. Tjwon's hand grabs and squeezes my ass cheeks while the other one roams my chest. He presses his body against my back, his nose sniffing along my neck.

"You need to slow down, baby," I breathe out.

Tjwon continues his assault on my neck. Finally, I insert the key and open the door. It's pitch black, and I struggle to find the light switch. Tjwon's thick lips crash on me once again. The sound of our slobber and moans echoes throughout my tiny living room.

My hand flicks on the light switch and at the same time Tjwon releases a high-pitch scream.

But what's worse than this little bitch making me deaf is the deep, smoky voice with the Southern twang coming from behind me. "Did you miss me, Kitten?"

Well, well, well Shanice has an unexpected visitor. Do you know who it is?

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