⍲Harlem Queen⍲

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The sun's rays warm my closed eyelid, and my nostrils flood with the sweet fragrance of orange blossoms. Three weeks have gone by without Nate gracing me with his annoying presence. However, that didn't mean that he wouldn't pull some shit. Au contraire, his buddy Bryan had picked up the mantle and played several childish, revolting pranks like leaving flaming poop on my doorstep, TP-ing my house, and the classic egging on my front porch.

He's lucky that the new D&S gadget has taken most of my time, or he would've run into Miss P.E.T.T.Y. He's a man-child who needs a pussy or a dick in the ass, or both.

If we were in Harlem and Bryan was a woman he wouldn't try this shit with me like I did the bitches at my private school. However, he's a man, a man child to be specific and there's no muscle to back me up. It'll be a cold day in hell before I ask my parents for help.

Even though the Bryan shenanigans have put a damper on my day, no nonsense can ruin this Friday. With a pep in my step, I get ready for work, eat breakfast, make a pit stop at Starbucks, and continue the thirty-minute commute to D&S.

There was a rumble to Atlanta, similar to New York, but more open without the crammed skyscrapers blotting out the sun. The traffic had the Manhattan vibe and the sidewalks were more of a catwalk of colorfully-dressed people weaving through each other.

The iconic D&S Headquarter stands as a mighty overlord over the other skyscrapers in the city's skyline. Upon entering the lobby, the receptionist and the ground floor security guards wave a good morning. It takes a few minutes before the elevator reaches Karl's floor. His colleagues decorated his desk with various slingers and balloons.

"Happy Birthday, Kokopuffs. Here's your pumpkin spice latte." I hand Karl the drink and kiss him on the cheek before taking my usual seat on his desk.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Do I have a story to tell you!" His navy blue eyes scan the room for anyone within hearing distance. Finally, with no one near, he spills the tea.

Karl's six-foot-tall, lean physique and broad shoulders have attracted the attention of almost every single female in D&S, including the males. But Karl's qualities are beyond looks; he's dependable, compassionate, and would go to the ends of the Earth for you. To sum it up, whoever Karl winds up with will be a lucky guy.

After letting me know office gossip Karl adds, "Hey, you know my friend Logan? He has a grand opening next month. Wanna be my date?" Karl asks.

"Of course, honey. You know my schedule is like my love life, non-existent."

"Fantastic," he squeals, and my eyes narrow to express that he needs to settle his ass down.

"Sorry about that, babe" he says in the huskiest voice he can muster.

We burst out laughing and continue with our daily herald of who's banging who.

"I gotta go, Kokopuffs. I have a marketing team meeting in a few."

"Alright, toots. Remember, I'll pick you up tonight for my birthday party."

"Sure, remember to bring your cousin's red pom-poms," I say to him, walking to the elevator.

As always, the giants of D&S have taken every square inch of the elevator, making it almost impossible to squeeze in. Before the door closes, Hendrick, the mean-ass douchebag of a boss, shouts to hold the elevator. His eyes meet mine and he smirks. Dang it, I put my hand between the doors to stop it from closing.

"Thank you," he sighs.

"No problem, Hendrick," I mutter.


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