Chapter 30: ⍲You can't be nice to idiots⍲|

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Shanice's POV

His eyes roam over me, making my skin flush under his scrutiny.

"Sho—shove that lie up your ass," I snap, trying to sound as firm as possible, but my nerves betray me.

Nate's expression becomes a mix of pain and disbelief as my words land like a punch to his gut. Yet, his body language says otherwise. With both hands he grabs my face and bends to my level. He trails a hand down my neck and traces the carotid artery like a habit, a possessive at that. And I can't help but to relish. It's been so long since I felt this intense rush, not since... Jin. But this... this is like my entire body is on fire.

But then, as usual, Serenity's voice crashes into my mind with her melodious yet stern tone, yanking me out of my erotic thoughts. "Shanice, are you really going to fall for this...again?" she chides, always quick to call me out on my stupidity. And just like that, the spell is broken.

"I love a challenge, Kitten," he smirks, his words dripping with arrogance.

"Is that why he went after me?" I ask him. It was fun at the beginning. But he messed up big time when he and his buddies destroyed Serenity's memorabilia.

My eyes narrow at him as he smirks, his cocky grin igniting a fire of fury within me. Who the hell does he think he is, trying to charm his way out of the bullshit he pulled? Without a moment's hesitation, I raise my foot and land a swift knee to his dick, savoring the satisfying thud of impact and the look of shock on his face

"Fuck," he yelps in pain. That's what he gets for messing with me — fucking biker.

He releases me, doubling over in pain. And without thinking twice, I sprint to my car and hop in, slamming the door shut behind me.

"What the actual fuck!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I peel out of the parking lot, tearing through the streets of Buckhead toward my new rental. Far. Far away from Maple Street, from those damn bikers... from Nate.

As soon as I step inside my new place, I lean against the door and slide down to the ground, my hands shaking and my head spinning. I struggle to take deep breaths, inhaling through my nose and exhaling through my parted lips as I try to calm my racing heart. "Pull it together, Shanice. How are you supposed to move on and forge your own path if this asshole can throw you off your game?"

Trembling fingers grasp my phone from my handbag. Before I press the green button to call Karl, hesitation sets in. Karl's with his dying grandfather, and I can't bring myself to disturb him again. He's done so much for me. I can't dump my issues on him.

Nate's lack of an apology floats through my mind. "Bryan shouldn't have done what he did. I didn't order him to attack you."

Even though I saw the sincerity in his eyes, it still felt like the wind, empty and cold. It conjures up the unfamiliar feelings I've had since moving out of hillbilly hell. "Dammit." Tears flow down my cheeks.

I scroll through my contact list and pass every number. I haven't made any close friends I could talk to about this who could distract me from the anxiety that worthless pig called Bryan brought on.

"Serenity," my knees clench tight to my chest, longing for her embrace. The oversized wall clock in my foyer ticks away, a constant reminder of the time slipping by. It takes all my willpower not to reach out to the only person left in my life, the guy who can pull me out of this pit and bring some light back into my world.

"Fuck," weakness courses through my veins. Why do I always turn to a man who chooses his side piece and son over me? I'm a sucker for pain, I guess, as I punch in Jin's number that I know by heart, hoping he forgives me for the venom I spewed about his baby mama. That "fucking whore" had it coming, though.

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