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There will be 3 new characters in this chapter, I have not yet decided if they'll appear in the future or not

Harry's POV:

It's been three days since mother has fainted, she has not woken up but with uncle sev taking care of her, I have no doubts that when she awakens, she'll feel much better.

In the meantime, myself and uncle Malcom have gotten much much closer. There is no doubt he is for sure on my list of trust.

Granted while I have a lot of family, friends and acquaintances, only a few make it to the top of my list. Those who make it on my list, I trust them to make any decisions on my behalf and I trust them with my life. My entire life.

Walking along the halls in the Italian manor, out of nowhere I hear my uncle shout

"Harry! Before you disappear to somewhere (cause Merlin knows how long it took me to find you), will you meet me in the informal dining room with Severus at 11 o'clock to discuss something?"

Hmm? I wonder what the discussion is about

"11 in the morning or at night?"

"Night, since Severus has a late meeting with headmaster dumbledore"

A meeting with dumbledore should not take that long...

"Alright, see you later tonight uncle"

I continue walking along the many halls in this manor when I hear another voice out of nowhere

"Is that the boy Malcom talked about throughout these years?"

"Must be given he called Malcom 'uncle'"

"He's a beautiful kid, no doubt that as he grows older, he'll be much handsome"

"You're right Minerva, Harry will indeed be a really handsome man"

"Do not overlook the fact that he will also be a very powerful wizard Amelia"

"Frederick! There's no need to bring up power, however I cannot disagree with you, I do feel the power radiating off of this young man. Why do I get the feeling I am being stared at now?"

Portraits, there weren't there back in Scotland

"I'm excuse me, you guys are talking about me?"

Three portraits, all of them are elderly. Just who are they?

"Ah, Harry! We didn't think you were actually listening to us!"

Kind of hard not to when your name shows up

"Please excuse fredericks outburst, I am Amelia Clarence nee Mcgonagall"

"I am Minerva Mcgonagall and the man beside me is my husband, Frederick Mcgonagall. I am your great grandmother, Fred being your great grandfather and Amelia being your Great Aunt"

Great grandparents and aunt? What about my grandparents?

"If you're wondering about your grandparents Isobel and Robert, they do not have portraits sadly. Robert was understandable but isobel died before she could get a portrait done. May my daughter Rest In Peace"

That makes sense, after all grandpa Robert is a muggle, what about my great uncle though?"

"My husband too was a muggle, therefore he couldn't get his portrait done"

Do they have legilimency skills?

"Yes we do Harry, I'm surprised you don't have that skill, almost all Mcgonagalls are gifted with it"


"Key word being almost, your mother and grandmother could never pick up on it. My wife almost couldn't grasp it but thankfully she did. A few other family members could never grasp it but that doesn't mean they were defenceless, every Mcgonagall is phenomenal in occumency, though it's clear no one has yet taught you"

"I've lived at Hogwarts all of my life so I guess being protected my the school meant I never had to worry about outsiders"

"Well twist my arms!"

"Please don't take off your cloak"

"Is that professor still there? Professor dumbledore?"

"Yes sir Frederick, he's now known as headmaster dumbledore, leader of the light. Yet mom said something about having different intentions or something?"

"She's right, do not trust him. We may just be portraits but I remember him growing up in Hogwarts. I used to be the charms professor. For the first two years he was a delight until that Grindelwald boy came. Then something changed in him completely, I will say, throughout my years of teaching, dumbledore is the only student that I have ever been terrified of"

Now that miss Amelia mentions it, I have noticed my mother and uncle sev steering me away from the headmaster when I was younger, now that I am a student, it is practically unavoidable

"Granted that was a long time ago, I heard for a while after him and Grindelwald spilt their ways, he turned into a great leader for the light until very recently. At least that's what Malcom told me"

"Yes, mom did mention something corrupted him recently causing him to go back dark or whatever it is he was before when you taught him"

"Stay clear of him Harry, I would hate to see my nephew get destroyed. On top of the nephew thing, please call me aunt Amelia, we are after all, family"

Aunt Amelia, that has a nice ring to it

"Much like Amelia, call me Grandma Min and my husband, grandpa Fred. If you get mad at what he says then feel free to call him grandpa Frederick"

"I hate it when they call me by my full name"

"Then don't say stupid things Fred"

Grandma Min and grandpa Fred.... my grandparents! And my Aunt Amelia! My aunt! My family!

"I believe we took up a lot of your time young man, no doubt you want to get back to adventuring! Feel free to come by whenever you want!"

"Thank you grandpa Fred! It was nice meeting you all! I will come back here to talk to you guys again!"

With that, I was back to "adventuring" just like grandpa Fred said

There will be another chapter tomorrow along with another twisted chapter. So surprise!

I also have uploaded a Q/A and chat "book" for those who wish to ask questions or to simply chat with me.

Yes I'll actually respond

Harry McGonagall Where stories live. Discover now