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Harry's pov:

After my mother sent my friends and I back to the common room, draco and I were talking about what other traps the professors had set out. We knew the Cerberus was hagrids and the devils snare was professor sprout....

"Uncle snape is clearly potions! I mean, he is the potions master after all"

That did seem right, uncle snape would have something to do with potions

"Although, I do have an idea that all the professors would do something with their respective skill but what would they do?"

"Draco, like I would know?"


I rolled my eyes at him. Yes I am smart but I'm not that smart to figure out every task the professors would put out.

I got myself ready for bed when I noticed a letter on my desk

"Mr. Mcgonagall

I must say, if it wasn't for your mother and professor snape stopping you, you would've gotten to meet me. I see a future with you and I together and not in a good way so I have a proposal to make, without telling your mother, I want you to go through all the task the professors had set out and get me the philosophers stone, if you have achieved the stone, I'll tell you everything about me and what I plan to do with this world, alongside your mothers very tiny dark secret. You have this week to decide and next week to follow the action. I hope you chose well mr. Mcgonagall"

With no name signed at the bottom, great!

My mother has a dark secret she isn't telling me about..... she doesn't tell me a lot of things about her to begin with and I realized I never asked about her, she only told me about who she was and is during conversations. If I am to follow in this persons proposal, he would tell me my mother's secret.

Should I?

Okay so this is a filler chapter you could say and you guys decide if Harry should follow the anonymous letter. Just say yes or no

Second, I got a new puppy! Her name is keeper and she is a pure Pomeranian (photo above), any tips on how to raise a puppy??  This is my first dog

Third, I try to update once a month so apologies for no update last month, things have been getting quite busy with me soooo, yeah. If I don't update, yell at me

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