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Harry's pov:

Ever since I felt that strong magic, it had been bothering me constantly. While I'm tempted to ask my mother about this magic, I shall not. She has more important things to do, such as getting prepared for finals.

Thankfully Draco is now tolerating Hermione. At first, Draco was really against the idea of befriending or even just associating with Hermione just cause she was of "lower blood" but after a lot of convincing he came around and is okay with her. All it took was a bunch of insults stating how someone of a "lower blood" was better than him and that he could learn from her techniques and could even be better than her.

Draco, Hermione and myself have been studying for days on ends. The three of us are the highest in our class therefore we strive to be the highest in our finals. If we are not, well then I'm pretty sure we are all going to suffer in a corner.

My mother has requested me to stay a little bit past our normal tea time to talk about something. Normally she never does this so it must be important. As I make my way to gryffindor tower, in the corner of my eye see three boys discussing about something. Them not noticing me, I managed to get closer and overhear what they're are saying

"Ron! Do you really believe professor snape is trying to steal the stone!?"

"Yes Seamus! And the only way for him not to steal the stone is for us to get it first! Is there a problem?!"

"What if we get caught!?"

"We won't Dean, I got a plan up my sleeve though the only way this plan will work if you guys are willing to help me? And it has to be tonight. So will you!?"

I see both Finnigan and Thomas nod their heads and quickly walk in my direction. Luckily I manage to look like I was just walking up the stairs. Weasley gave my a hard shove but at this point it was quite expected given I am after all, a slytherin. I must inform my mother of this imformation I acquired.

"Hello mother, I heard you have something important to discuss with me about but may I tell you something I overheard from your lions first? Please?"

Mother being curious to what her lions were doing, she nodded her head

"Mr. Finnigan, Thomas and Weasley all believe that uncle snape is planning on stealing a stone that I presume is in this castle. They talked about getting the stone before him and will be venturing out tonight. I figured it would be important to inform you and perhaps the rest of the staff in case they do decide to go after hours"

"Well Harry, thank you for informing of this. And regarding to this stone, it is the philosophers stone. I'm sure you're aware of what this stone is?"

"The stone that grants you eternal life, correct"

"Yes, it is here in the castle. Hagrid brought it in for safekeeping. However if those boys are out to get it tonight...... get Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger and find me in the staff room. I'll be preparing for an emergency meeting tonight to stop the boys from getting the stone. My  discussion with you can wait till after this is done"

Following my mother's orders, I gathered my friends. Hermione being in the library as usual and Draco being in the common room. Quickly summarizing what I just discussed with my mother, there three of us rushed to the staff room.

"Thank you mr. Mcgonagall. I presume both of you have been informed of what is happening yes?"

"Yes professor dumbledore, but if I may ask, why do you need us?"

"Well ms. Granger, the staff and I agree that we want you three to stop the gryffindors from getting that stone. That stone is very important you see, we cannot just let them take it. You guys must leave now, if anything, you'll need a head start so that when they arrive, you are to shadow them. When you arrive at the third corridor, all the traps we have laid out coincides with our teaching. I want this to also be a challenge for you to figure out so in this order, this is what you must pass. Magical creatures, herbology, charms, transfigurations, defense against dark arts, potions and lastly would be me but since I do not teach, it is the mirror of erised. Good luck!"

Using the information, we ran to the third corridor and opened the door to see a Cerberus....  Where in the bloody hell did hagrid get that from!?

Harry McGonagall Where stories live. Discover now