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Harry's POV:

At last! Christmas has arrived! And that means I finally get to meet the Malfoys and spend time with Draco. Currently everyone is at the great hall having a nice breakfast before everyone leaves to see their families. Sadly my mother was one of the few staff that were chosen to stay at hogwarts this year to watch the students who were staying back but, I did promise her that after Christmas Eve, I'll come back for Christmas Day to open presents with my family.

I finished eating when Draco suddenly pulled me exclaiming that we have to pack. Luckily I already packed the night before so now I'm stuck helping Draco pack his things. Thankfully he didn't take too long.

Soon we were at the station and currently in our compartment chatting away while doing our homework at the same time. Since the train ride takes forever, we managed to finish all of the work leaving us with a bunch of free time.

"Hey Harry, what's one thing you want to do when we arrive at the manor?"

"Well, firstly, I need a tour since I have no idea where I'll be going. If possible, do you think your parents would allow us to go shopping? I still have to find some gifts, especially for my mother. I don't have a idea on what to get for her, any suggestions?"

"I don't know, wait! Actually never mind. I don't know"

"What was your idea?"

"I was going to suggest getting her an owl but I think it's kind of ridiculous"

"Actually, instead of an owl, I could use a two way notebook. So I could talk to her without anyone overhearing us! Thank you Draco!"

A two-way notebook would be splendid! Because of all the times I've talked with my mother, someone overhears and tries to spread rumours only to get into detention with her.

At last, the train has finally reached the station and everyone got up. Immediately, I noticed long platinum blonde hair and recognized him as Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy. Draco shoved past me to greet his parents. I followed along except I was more polite. After formal introductions, we were all standing at the very front of Malfoy Manor.

"From your description, I was aware it was going to be beautiful but seeing it in reality, holy damn it's gorgeous! Excuse my language"

"Haha! Wait until you see the inside Harry!"

Draco grabbed onto my arm and dragged me into the manor and he wa correct, the inside was spectacular! And honestly, not what I quite expected. The outside was filled with dark word but the inside, well yes the furniture are all back but the decorations are filled with black and white marble, just a sight that can blow anyone away!

Draco showed me to my room and told me what usually happens at the manor. Seems like they have a schedule for eating and when to meet up to discuss about their day, upcoming events or problems someone is having. Since I am here, I don't want to ruin their schedule so I told Draco to proceed with what they would normally do and decide if they want to include me or not.

They did want to include me so, now I got the lovely experince of waking up at 7 in the morning to get ready in an hour for breakfast at 9. After that, we all have free time to do whatever we please until 2 which would be lunch time, to which again we have free time. However from 5 to 7, that would be the time to meet up and discuss about what ever it is that is on our plates and at exactly 8, would be dinner. Since Draco and I have nothing to do since it's our break, we didn't have a curfew.

Days went on by and before we knew it, it was Christmas Eve which also meant it was my last day at the manor before going back to hogwarts. During my final dinner, I thanked everyone to allowing me to stay. I won't be seeing Draco at all for the remainder of the break which is quite sad, I'll be bored.

The next morning, I was up and ready to go, I walked downstairs to see Mr.Malfoy waiting for me

"Ready to go Mr. Mcgonagall?"

"Ready as ever sir"

I took his arm and felt the familiar feeling of apparition. Almost made me pass out.

I noticed we were at the front of the gates to hogwarts, for a moment I forgot why mr. Malfoy couldn't just take me in directly until realizing they have wards on hogwarts only allowing the staff to pass in or out. Even though I'm not a staff, they changed the wards to let me come and go as I please. I turned around to thank Mr. Malfoy for letting me stay at his home while also wishing him a merry Christmas. He merely nodded at me and then left.

Knowing my way around the place, I just strolled right into the great hall wishing everyone a merry Christmas. I quickly walked to my mother and gave her a hug, I also gave her my present that I bought for her when Draco and I were allowed to go shopping one day.

"Thank you Harry, and honestly very smart of you to think of that. Now whenever we have our tea, we don't have to talk about anything too personal. I love you very much"

My mother gave me another hug before shooing me off to unpack my stuff and getting settled back into the castle. Since I already ate before coming here, I decided to give the rest of the professors their gifts by leaving it in their offices. Hopefully they'll appreciate it.

However, when I passed professor Quirell's office, I felt a strong wave of magic upon me. I knew it wasn't the professors magic since, no offence to him, his magical aura is quite weak and this magic was strong and powerful and dark?

Too make up for the short chapters, sorry if it seems weird, I was really tired and loopy at the moment I wrote this

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