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Facts will be changed for the sake of the story

Malcom POV:

Home sweet home....

Time to annoy the sister!

I took a port key to get to the manor for floo or apparition would be much harder given I live in Rome, Italy. The distance between Scotland and Itatly is quite far...

Regardless, I am meeting her son today. Still mad at Dumbledore for not letting me into Hogwarts to meet him for the past eleven years! But, I am here now and quite nervous.

I walk to the gates and let myself in, thank god the wards are up and recognize me. I keep walking to the door when I spot something small in the distance moving

Walking closer, I see that it is a boy, Harry perhaps? I noticed he's looking, no, staring at the house. I can't blame him, even I am like that with the manor.

After the small introduction, we both walk inside to find my sister. Walking through the halls brings back memories. One particular section brought me back to a memory of when Minerva comforted me after my first break up


"Mal? Are you okay? I heard what happened with that girl?"

Delilah, my first girlfriend, I made sure to give her the world yet she goes and cheats on me for some scumbag!

"Minnie, don't just stand behind my door, main as well come in"

I love Minerva, she is the best older sister I could ask for!

"My sweet Malcolm, don't let yourself be down over some stupid girl, besides, you deserve much much better!"

Min always knows what to say

"You really think so?"

"Yes my sweets, besides, you are young so I wouldn't worry too much, you'll find your true love one day. Now! Let's take advantage of this chocolate mother gave you!"

Flashback over

That was the day when I knew I could truly rely on my sister. Granted that breakup was when I was 12 years old and she was 16 but her and I were never close until that day. She was always closer with our younger brother, Robert. May he always Rest In Peace.

We walk in and there is my lovely sister, beautiful as always, despite her having more grays than me

Of course I had to shout her nickname, it was the best way to annoy her. And per usual, she shuts me down

"So Harry, how do you like my younger brother Malcom?"

I am quite interested in seeing what he has to say

"I just met him mother, I do not know what I think of him yet"

Fair enough

"So while we're having tea, let us play a simple 'get to know each other' game. This would also be a challenge for your mother, see if she remembers anything about me"

I really hope she does remember something

"I'm only 4 years older than you!"

Still older than me

"Alright, let's start off simple, what house are you in Harry?"

"Slytherin, the house couldn't decide on ravenclaw, gryffindor or slytherin, in the end it best decided slytherin was for me"

"I see, I was placed in ravenclaw though I could never match up to your mother, she was always much more smarter than me"

"My turn, what do you do for a living?"

Harry McGonagall Where stories live. Discover now