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Minerva POV:

I couldn't believe what albus was saying! Leaving young Harry Potter with the Durselys! Oh no no no! I had to object and just as I was about to, albus said "unless, someone here would like to take Harry Potter and raise him as one of your own" I immediately stepped and raised my hand. I was the only one who wanted to take Harry. Albus gently have Harry to me and I immediately went back to my office to make a room for him. Classes were about to start so I had to stay at hogwarts. Albus then came in with someone from the ministry with adoption papers. I quickly signed everything and Albus wished me good luck. As I walked over to Harry's crib, I saw him with teary eyes but until he saw me, he immediately stopped and smiled. I may not be lily potter but I'll do my best to raise him.

One month later

It's been a month and he has been just adorable. Today I was going to teach him how to walk. I grabbed little Harry's hand, placed his feet ontop of mine to show him what it felt like to be walked then he tried on his own. He kept falling but he was determined to start walking so with him sticking his little butt in the air and trying to balance, he slowly walked over to me then fell in my lap while smiling. "Oh dear! Professor McGonagall is smiling, everyone run for your lives!" Severus voice came scaring me and Harry. I picked up Harry and walked over to Severus. "Uncle sev!" Little Harry then stretched out his arms to let Severus know that he wanted to be carried by him. Severus walked towards me and lifted a giggling Harry from my arms onto his.

Harry might have been lily potter and James potter son and at first Severus despised the kid but then grew to love him. Now he is uncle sev. Uncle sev was Harry's first word, it was such an adorable day. It was a teachers meeting and I brought Harry along with me. While we were all sitting in the lounge discussing about stuff, Harry crawled over to Severus and Harry said uncle sev. Everyone all cooed at the kid and asked me if that was Harry's first word and I nodded. What a wonderful memory.

"Anyway, Minerva. Since class is about to start in a week, what are you going to do with Harry? He can't stay in your classes." I thought for a moment then said, "well, I might have him stay with Albus or one of the other professors when they don't have any classes with the students, some days I'll have him stay with me"  Severus nodded and wrote all of this down and immediately send it to the headmaster. He gave me Harry back and bid me a goodnight. I smiled at Harry who have out a cute yawn. I put him to bed and I got ready for bed. Hopefully the students wouldn't mind having Harry in my classes.

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