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Minerva POV:

After my five days of rest, my son, Severus and Malcom were all heading for the Italian gringotts to get Harry blood adopted

It took a lot of convincing and reassuring everyone that I was alright...

As we neared to the bank, Malcom stopped the three of us and explained some stuff beforehand

"Before we go in everyone, much like the goblins back in Britain, we are to treat them with the highest respect given they highly respect us as well. Another thing to note is that because we are in Italy, the goblins first language spoken to us will be in Italian and won't use English in public unless we are taken to a private room. Lastly, don't be surprised if they are dramatic"


"Those sound reasonable, though please explain the dramatic part Malcom"

"You'll see what I mean Severus, you'll see"

We walked in and well...

We saw what he meant

"Is this normal Malcom?"

I'd like to know the answer too Severus

"It's not that busy today which is shocking, usually it's ten times worse"

So I'm thankful we went today then....

I watched as Malcom strolled up to a teller and spoke in Italian. Clearly the teller knew who he was for suddenly an elaborate handshake was drawn, a hug given and alcohol was served to him

Not even a few minutes after that did the teller yell out something (that we couldn't understand) and goblins surrounded my brother and lifted him up as he crowd surfed through the bank

I've been to enough muggle concerts in my younger days to know what crowd surfing is... brings back memories of how I was one of those people in one of those concerts

Finally the goblins are finished with their, unprofessional behaviours and focused on us

"Everyone, teller Drago is going to take us to see the king goblin, he believes we deserve better than some 'measly' teller, I argue otherwise but he's stubborn so come along!"

"Mother, please tell me my eyes are not deceiving me and that we watched Malcom be hoisted up by the goblins recently?"

"I saw it too Harry, did you Severus?"

"Yes, I've never seen anything like it. Nevertheless even when we first walked in and saw the goblins having quite the party with its customers"

I wouldn't use the word "quite"

Walking in and seeing what they were doing... I would never want to be thrown into a dance circle competition with the goblins or take part in their very interesting drinking game

"Brother, care to explain?"

"In due time dear sister, I'll tell you after this is all done and we all become family"

I didn't push for I know my brother will keep his promise and tell us later

At last we arrived at the kings door, teller Drago knocked and explained who we were, we were given access once the door opened

"Lord Mcgonagall, do come in old friend! As well as guests!" 

We all walked in and followed my brothers action and bowed to him

"Lord mcgonagall, you never have to bow to me, you know this! Please introduce your guests!"

The short but old and noble goblin gestured to us, I can't believe he did not recognize me

"The man wearing all black is Britain's best potions master and Hogwarts professor, Severus Snape. The young boy biologically is the Potters family boy, the boy-who-lived, Harry Potter but refers to himself as a Mcgonagall, lastly is my very sweet yet sometimes violent sister, Minerva, I'm surprised you didn't recognize her"

"Please forgive me Lady Mcgonagall, it has been such a long time since I have last saw you"

"It is alright your majesty, it has been a good eleven years since I've been to Italy"

"Now I normally know you handle all your finances with a teller back in the main hall so please tell me what it is that I can do for you that Drago had to personally bring you to me?"

"Your majesty, I wish to adopt the Potter's boy via blood adoption. And it is not just me who also wants to adopt him, my brother and Severus wish to merge their blood alongside mine and essentially make Harry heir to all of us. We would've done this in Britain however given Dumbledore, we felt it would be safer here for he does not have control"

"I hate dumbledore for meddling himself with the goblins. He has already took control of Britain which we know as England and Wales, I believe all of the kings have gotten word that he has managed to gain control in Scotland and is making his way to Ireland. It is safe to assume that he is trying to take control of the United Kingdom and would try to move on to other countries"

Damn dumbledore!

"Regardless of that information, given that you are friends of the Goblins here in Italy, Ireland, Scotland and Britain (even though it is banned there, the goblins would've still helped you), we'd be more than happy to proceed with the blood adoption for you guys"

Thank you!

"Follow me everyone, I'll take you guys to a ritual room and have you wait there as I grab the specialized goblins to help you through this journey"

We did as told, once we got into the room, instantly a goblin there handed us a white robe

"I Whispy and is special in ritual magic, I is sorry for English bad, it is not a language I is good at. White robe is for good magic, magic recognize you and should accept as family"

How adorable, I already love whispy

"What Whispy is trying to say is that by putting on the white robe, the robe is going to cleanse you of any negative magic such as blocks, potions, obliviations, and anything dark from your body and mind.

The robe is doused in a special goblin made potion and has to be worn beforehand for the ritual to work completely.

In most cases, this robe lightly cleanses witches and wizards and the side affects given from the dark magic is a headache so I'm hoping that will be the same for all of you

Once the robe cleanses you, take off the robe and proceed to the ritual circle. Once the ritual proceeds, lady magic should take a look at you and see if you are worthy to adopt Harry Potter as your own. I suspect she will deem you and others worthy of adopting young Harry.

If she deems you worthy, then Harry should be getting both blood, magic and looks from everyone. Of course dominantly would be the Potter blood for that is the first, however there are very few cases where the first blood changes into the adopters blood so be aware of that possibility

However, if she deems you unworthy, you do not have to worry. Lady magic cherishes all wizarding children and will not strip him of his powers, he will be left with his own magical bloodline. You may continue to adopt him through the legal process of paperwork as a plan

I believe I have explained enough, I am going to leave you all be for the cleansing process, I have other goblins to find. Should you need help or have questions, Whispy is more than happy to answer"

With all that information to process, his majesty left. Whispy conjured private screens for all of us to change into those white robes  and the last thing I recall was myself, Severus and Harry screaming in pain with Whispy shouting something.....

In case you ever feel stupid about yourself, when writing this chapter, I forgot what Italy's official language was

So trying to remember what the language was when writing, my first answer that popped up was French...

My brain thought Italy's offfical language was French

Then realizing it was wrong, my next thought was Portuguese... again it was wrong so then I thought it was Gaelic....

I eventually had to search it up....

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