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Minevera pov:

Albus............WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU THINKING! Sending off my child and his friends to do our test to protect the stone! Are you really that daft? No matter. I must rush to get the kids

"Albus.... sending kids to our traps..... have you lost your mind completly"

Before albus could respond to me, I got up and left the meeting. I could overhear snape saying he agreed with me and ran to catch up.

"How far do you think the children have gotten?"

I pondered at the question snape asked. Knowing my son, hopefully, he didn't even start

"Hopefully my son had sought out a plan but has not yet followed through them"

We finally made it towards the door. I slammed it open to see them going into the trapped door, my son going first

"Hold it right there Mr. McGonagall! Do not listen to what professor dumbledore had to say!"

Thankfully my son listened until he tried arguing back. I thought I taught you well Harry?

"But professor dumbledore is onna higher authority than you so shouldn't we technically be listening to him?"

He does have a point... but dumbledore has also lost his mind

"Mr. McGonagall..... have you forgotten that while yes dumbledore is the most powerful wizard, he is not the most sane you would say?"

"I guess you're right uncle snape. But what should we do, the gryffindor boys will come?"

"Harry, what I want you and your friends to do now is on your way back to the common room and if you somehow managed to bump into the boys, please send them back. Miss Granger, same goes for you. I feel like you might have better luck but I can never know. Now off to bed and do not listen to what dumbledore has to say!"

Dear lord. Snape and I must protect that stone from you-know-who and curious students

"You do realize you can say his name, he won't hurt you"

Damn you snape and your legilimency.....

Harry McGonagall Where stories live. Discover now