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Should I start adding actual titles??

Harry's POV:

Fainting was all that I felt but here I am, waking up in the hospital bed. My mother.... It's impossible! I refuse to believe it! But there is always that possibility, she must've had her reasons for it. Still, I won't be able to look at her the same way ever again.


Someone screamed my name out and it was no other than my mother with both Draco and Hermione trailing behind her

"Oh Harry, thank god you are alive! When Quirell found you in the room with the mirror of erised, I thought you were dead! Don't you ever do that again young man!"

So was it really Quirell or did Tom ask and by ask I mean ordered Quirell to take me to the hospital wing? I'll ask tom later

"Apologies mother but the good thing is that I'm alive.... right?"

Mother said nothing but glared at me. Knowing that look, I kept my mouth shut

"Harry! What made you decide to go after the stone?"

Hermione asked me. Would tom get mad at me if I told them the truth... probably but I could not lie to them for eventually the truth would come out

"Simple, I received an anonymous note stating I needed to get the stone for a reason. I assume it was dumbledore who sent the note for we all know he isn't sane"

While I didn't lie mostly, I had to twist the truth so they wouldn't be scared it was Voldemort who sent me the note

Few hours later

After I was finally released from the hospital wing, the first place I went to was to see tom. Arriving at the office, I noticed Quirell was packing

"Professor? Relax, no one is here so you can speak normally. Why are you packing?"

"My lord ordered me to 'retire' so I will not be teaching next year. I was also ordered to find the ingredients to bring my lord back to life however one of the ingredients needed is blood, specifically, your blood. While you are here, do you think you'd be willing to shed some of your blood for my lord?"

I agreed. Now knowing dumbledore was only using me, I am willing to side with the so called dark. With a small vile, it soon filled up with the dark red liquid.

"Professor, if he has enough energy, may I speak with Tom?"

"What is it potter?"

"Just curious, did you order Quirell to take me to the hospital wing when you could've just left me?"

"After you took in all of the information, it seemed like you believed my words and wanted to side with me. Like I said, dumbledore words do not define who I am or what I do. I make sure all of my allies are healthy and alive and seeing as you are a potential ally, I could not leave you there to die. Please take the time to consider joining me, yes I'm aware you are willing to join me but if you do, do it after I get my body back"

Tom and I laughed at the little joke he made. Agreeing to his words. I wished both Quirell and Tom luck for finding and getting Tom's body back

Final feast

It was the last feast of the year alongside who won the house cup

I was sitting in the middle of Draco and Hermione (we asked her to join us at the slytherin table despite her house arguing against it) retelling the story of my adventures of the chamber of traps. They were surprised I was even alive! Soon the chattering died down as Dumbledore stood up to speak

"Alas! Another year as flown by! What time well spent! Now I'm sure this is the moment everyone has been waiting for, who won the house cup! In fourth place, Hufflepuff with 327 points! Third is Gryffindor with 399 points! Ravenclaw for second with 435 points and for another year in a row! Even though it was such a close call to Ravenclaw! Slytherin with 450 points!"

We all cheered and I doubt anybody noticed the slight anger in Dumbledore voices for Slytherin won now 8 years in a row.

End of the night

After the delicious feast, we all went back to our rooms to pack. Well, me helping Draco pack until I got a note from my mother asking me to pack my stuff. For the first time, Dumbledore told my mother to leave the castle so she can have a break with me. No doubt to release his anger... But finally I get to see the Mcgonagall Manor that my mother has been mentioning throughout all my life, longing to go back.

As much as I love my mother, what Tom told me really changed my views about her and is starting to make me doubt her. I do not want these feelings to linger in me so once we are alone, I'm going to ask my mother for some conformation if what Tom said was true...

Harry McGonagall Where stories live. Discover now