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Hermione POV:

I'm going to be late! I'm going to be late! I can't miss charms! I must make a good impression on all the staff...... ouch!

"Oh dear me, I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Here let me help you!"

I looked up at who bumped into me and I see the Harry Potter. Way to go hermione, you ran into him

"It was my fault. I didn't want to be late for class"

"Which class are you going to?


"You do realize you have plenty of time still. 20 minutes still. Did you perhaps read the schedule wrong?"

Wait I had 20 minutes to charms. I whipped out my schedule and indeed I did read it wrong so I sheepishly looked back at harry

"Oh.  Yeah I did read it wrong. Thanks for helping me with my books. What's your next class?"

"Same as you, charms. Majority of slytherin and gryfinndor are together for their classes. Oh my god! Where are my manners?! I'm Harry Mcgonagall! What's your name"

He took my hand and kissed it then proceeded to tell me his name. Mcgonagall... so the professor didn't make a mistake when she called out his name since he calls himself a Mcgonagall as well

"I'm hermione, hermione granger"

"Well, it's been lovely meeting you miss Granger, tell me, would you like to walk with me to charms?"

He's offering to walk with me? I never thought that would happen


So then we started walking to class. Because we still had a few minutes left to kill, I decided to keep the conversation going

"So... what do you think of hogwarts?"

"Well hermione, I lived in this castle my entire life. I've seen students come and go. I've seen and met all of the staff. You know professor Mcgonagall is my 'mother' and as for the other staff, I call them professor only during school hours now but if we're in private or it's no longer teaching hours, I can call them what I've been calling them growing up. What about you miss Granger?"

"Please, call me hermione. As for hogwarts... this is one of the most amazing thing I've seen! I've only recently found out there was a wizarding school that I was allowed to attended. My parents told me I was a witch/wizard when I first did accidental magic. They were amazed that magic was real. When I first started attending classes, I couldn't believe it with my own eyes that I was doing magic! Now I strive to be one of the top students! It's a shame how some of the students are already slacking off..."

Oh no, I wouldn't stop ranting! But Harry seemed to listen to me and caught every single word as he did laugh at the last statement

"Yes indeed, it is a shame that students slack off. But I wish you the best of luck hermione, no doubt I see you rising to the top. However you might have competition. I must say, I had a lovely time talking to you... we must continue talking whenever we're on our way to classes. You might also see me come in the gryffindor common room whenever I talk with my mother. Don't hesitate to stop me if you would like to talk or simply do homework. Now we must go our seperate ways seeing as we've reached charms class"

Harry was allowed in the gryffindor room? That's amazing. He truly does have a way with everyone here at hogwarts. I went to my respective seat which was gryffindor in the front row and slytherin in the back. I noticed he sat beside malfoy and had a conversation with him. One thing however kept lingering in my mind... he said I had competition in class. But with who?

After all of my classes were done and I finished dinner at the great hall. I went back to my dorms where the girls bombarded me with questions about Harry. One of the girls, lavender brown seemed to be jealous that I caugh Harry's attention before her. Harry was not a prize to be won, he can give his attention to whoever he wants. His attention for me was strictly because I accidentally ran into him. Though, I do want more of that attention and hopefully the two of us can become closer friends. One thing I'm worried about, does he care about blood status? I hope not. I don't think I'll be able to face the embarrassment of the entire school if he called me mudblood

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