17 (T)

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To my new readers, T means twisted as in a twisted chapter. More info at the end

Warnings: swearing, torture, rape

Lily's POV:

I've been caught, I thought I would be able to get away with it but I should've known better

"Severus, Harry, Minerva, I know this is quite a shock"

"Damn right it's a shock! You're suppose to be dead lily!"

That hurts sev

"I know I know, but let me explain what truly happened"

Seeing as we were not going anywhere and my son rushes to Minerva for protection, I feel hurt but I understand

"It all started when Tom was supposedly about to come to Godric's Hollow to kill us but we all know that was a lie. It was in fact dumbledore who came to try and kill us. James managed to stall him at the cost of his life, I am forever grateful he did that to protect our son."

I took a deep breath and continued on thinking of what that bastard had done to me

"When dumbledore approached me and Harry, I was prepared to fight him with my life it if wasn't for Tom showing up and having a duel. I somehow got knocked out in the process and next thing you know, I am in Hogwarts dungeons for the last 12 years"

"That would've been impossible! Slytherins live in the dungeons! Harry or other snakes including myself would've been able to find you!"

"You are right Severus except you forgot one fact, you guys are in the slytherin dungeons. There are dungeons for hufflepuff, gryffindor and ravenclaw. I was never in the slytherin dungeons" 

"Then where were you?"

"I do not know, I was constantly transferred between the three to have less chances of me being found. Only once did two students find me"

I cannot forgive what the bastard did to those two students

"Was it a student recently, entered in Harry's year or was it before Harry"

"It was before Harry, it was when Harry was two years old. I was in one of the dungeons when two lovesick teenagers found a 'make out' spot. Luckily for me, the girl noticed someone being captured against their will and came to my aid. They were very nice students, healed all of my physical wounds and told me about Harry"

The memories of them are flooding back, I am sorry my dears

"They visited me for the entire month I was in the dungeon until I was once again, moved. Dumbledore being the headmaster means he has power of the school and one thing I forgot was that he sent portraits to watch me. The portraits had no choice but to report what was going on"

Their screams! Please make them stop"

"When I moved, dumbledore brought the two students with him. From there he threw in the boy in the jail cell with me and out came three more boys who were clearly underneath deep love potions for the girl. Dumbledore forced the boys to do whatever with the girl and in this case, they ripped her of her purity. Dumbledore subjected the boy to torture. My magic was drained, I couldn't help them!"

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!

"Once the 'fun' had ended, he brutally killed them all on the spot. For a month I had to live with their deceased bodies. The look on their face is enough to break anyone"

"Another student found me and rescued me out of the prison I was forced in. I forgot what the student name was but he was clever enough to do it when the portraits were sleeping. Remind me to thank him when the war is over. I knocked out Mcgonagall and placed her in her own closet and acted as her for 2 months. As I was skilled in potions, I made polyjuice continuously and stole from your closet supply. I truly am sorry"

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