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Harry's POV:

I must admit, I was shocked when the hat placed me in slytherin. I was hoping to get in gryffindor like my mother but at least I'm happy I was sorted somewhere. As I was walking to the slytherin common room, I kept talking to Draco and he was telling me about how wonderful his family was and I'll admit, it does sound like a nice family. Once we were in the common room, the head boy started explaining the rules then we were dismissed to our dorms. Unlike the gryffindor tower that had five beds per dorm, slytherin only has two queen beds making the dorm only allowed for two people. The dorm already had names so we could find who we were going to be with. I was with Draco. The two of us unpacked and went to sleep.

The next morning as we woke up, we found our schedule on our desk. I quickly took a shower and put on my uniform along with Draco. We went to the great hall together where I met some of his other friends as well. Blaise zabini and Theo nott. Soon the four of us got to know each other and became really great friends. We all looked at our schedule and noticed that Draco and Blaise were together for all their classes while I was with Theo. All of us had classes with gryffindor. The only times we are ever together are before and after classes and lunch break. In third year we will all get to choose two classes so all of us agreed to do one class with the four of us and one that we want.

Soon, me and Theo bid our goodbyes and went to potions. Professor snape told us the rules of being in his class and we began to make a drought of living death potion. After class was finish, me and Theo got ten points while the gryffindors lost ten points. Then together we went to transfiguration and the rest of our classes. At the end of the day I excused myself from my friends to have tea with my mother like I do everyday.

I walked all the way from the dungeons to the gryffindor tower. Boy did I get a lot of exercise! I came across the portrait and told her the password. I walked through the common room like it was nobody business and some of the first years were about to say something until the older years told them it was normal to see me everyday for tea after dinner when everybody goes back to the common room so they didn't say anything.

"Hello mother"

"Hello Harry. Take a seat and let's talk about your day"

I walked over to my usual seat for tea and made my own cup

"Well, I first had potions with uncle snape and me and Theo got five points each. Then it was your class where you gave everyone five points if they were able to turn a beetle into a box and you gave me points, charms with uncle filius and he gave me ten points for levitating a feather, then at lunch I sat with my friends who are Theo, Draco, and Blaise. Then for the rest of my classes I either earned five points or ten so all together I have earned 45 points for slytherin. I fell asleep in history of magic"

"Doesn't everybody. Well it seems as if you had a good day today. Keep up the good work and you might just be winning the house cup! Well I'm proud of you Harry, now best get along. You have to be in the dungeons now. You probably have homework to do"

"You're right, I'll see you tomorrow mother, I love you"

"I love you too Harry"

I quickly gave mother a hug and rushed to the dungeons before I got a detention. I met up with my friends who were struggling with the charms homework and decided to help them. After helping them with charms and transfiguration, we could all do potions on our own. Soon we all just hung out and then went to sleep.

Yes I will make other POV, but for now I want to ask, should I make this a drarry or a harmione book? If it is gonna be drarry then hermione and Theo will be together, and Ron and pansy will be together, if it's harmione then Blaise and Theo will be together, Draco and astoria will be together and Ron and pansy will be together. So tell me, drarry or harmione?

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