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10 years later

Harry's POV:

Even after living at hogwarts for so many years, I still manage to get lost. Right now I was at the astronomy tower when I'm really suppose to be at the Ravenclaw tower helping Flitwick clean up the common room. For an hour I kept looking until finally I made it! Then I saw the huge mess! "Harry! You're finally here! Please don't tell me you got lost" "well, here in the castle you are bound to find hidden passages way, so I found one and took a shortcut leading me here!" Flitwick rolled his eyes while laughing at me. I was going to be the death of him. After cleaning up the tower, I walked over to the Gryffinor common where my mother has her own office and bedroom installed.

"Hello Harry, I heard from Flitwick you got lost again, when are you ever gonna learn the castle?" My mother asked. "Once someone has given me a map" I know Minerva McGonagall wasn't my real mother but she took care of me so she was, somehow. I continued my lovely discussion until the two of us were inturuppted by the new defense against the Dark arts teacher. He came to introduce him to us. When I looked at him, my scar started to hurt but I kept a poker face and be polite. After a while he left and my mother asked me why my scar was hurting. She is the only woman who can see right through me. I told her I wasn't exactly sure why but then quickly changed the topic. "So mother, the first day of school is coming, would you be upset that I wouldn't be in Gryffindor? Just asking"  she then thought for a moment before saying "no Harry. I wouldn't. Everyone knows who you are so whatever house you get in, all of them will be proud. Don't tell the hat where to choose, let the hat decide but I will give you the password to Gryffindor common room to come see me" yes, my mother has her own office plus bedroom in the Gryffinor common room where we are currently having tea. Some of the students know who I am and have been allowed to go in the common room to see my mother but now I'm not so sure if I'm sorted into a different house. 

The next day

Today was the day, today is when I finally get sorted into the house I belong in. As I stood inline with the nervous first years, my mother started calling everyone's name one by one. She got to my name but instead of using McGonagall, she used potter and McGonagall. "Potter/McGonagall, Harry!" I walked up to the hat and my mother placed it on me. 'Well hello Harry, it's finally time to place you. Let's see, kindness of a Hufflepuff but that doesn't seem right, a mind of a Ravenclaw, hmm, a heart of a Gryffindor, and cunning as a Slytherin. Let's put you in...'  "SLYTHERIN!!"

The hat shouted the house of where I will be in and I looked over to my mother who gave me an encouraging smile and nodded. I smiled and walked over to Slytherin where I sat near a platinum blonde hair kid. "Well potter, the name is Malfoy, Draco malfoy" the blonde haired kid pulled out his hand for me to shake. Malfoy... Ah yes! My mother had told me about some of the well known pureblooded families, the Malfoys were a big one. I shook it and said "nice to meet you Draco but if you don't mind, I prefer to be called Harry McGonagall, potter doesn't seem to do well for me since I didn't grow up with them" I said politely. Draco smiled and the two of us chatted while eating dinner at the feast.

Minerva McGonagall POV:

I must admit, I was a little dissapointed to where Harry was put in but neverless, he would be with his uncle. After the sorting was finished, I walked back to my usual seat on the staff table. Dumbledore on my right and Severus on my left. Everyday I have a nice conversation with Severus. "Severus, what do you think of Harry being in Slytherin?"  "Well Minerva, it wouldn't matter to me where Harry would've been, he would still be my nephew but I am quite shocked that he was sorted in Slytherin. I was really expecting him to be in Gryffindor" I noticed all the teachers nodded in agreement, for a moment I got distracted and realized Severus was still talking  "as long as Harry is happy then I am happy" I completely missed out on what he said but I assumed it was all the good things. Once the feast was finished and everyone was going to their common room, I pulled Harry aside and said "Harry, congratulations on being Slytherin! Everyone is happy for you! Now I know you must rush but remember, call all of the teachers professor, until we are not on teaching duty then you may call us by our names. Also the password to the Gryffinor tower is 'buttercup' don't ask me why, it just is. I love you Harry"  "thank you mother, I love you too" I gave Harry a quick kiss on the forehead and leave him be. I'm so proud of my boy!

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