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Harry's POV:

Reading my book on charms, I noticed that time went by quickly. Soon it was time to go to the meeting my uncle had said along with uncle sev

I'm very curious to what it was about, perhaps the adoption?

Of course it would be about the adoption, why did I even ask that...

Thankfully due to my curiosity of exploring the manor, I easily found my way to the informal dining room

"Hey, hey, hey! Oh god! My apologies! I was reading quite a good book that lifted my spirits up! Hello uncle Malcom, uncle sev, grandmother, grandfather, aunt Amelia. I won't deny it, I'm incredibly curious to what this meeting is about. I assume it's regarding my blood adoption?"

"You are correct Harry. While you agreed to do the blood adoption we were thinking, or at least it was my idea that we all liked and agreed on but it is only you who can decide.

Seeing how you are incredibly close to Severus here, we would like to know if you are willing to do the blood adoption with him to become his heir as well. You do not have to say yes.

However the benefits of merging his blood with yours is that you also get his magical powers as well. There is no doubt that Severus is an extraordinarily powerful wizard, and anything you get from him let it be properties or money, when he dies, it goes to you"

"And are you okay with that uncle sev?"

"Yes Harry, I am. I see you as my son and watched you grow up. Ladies have never interested me and neither have men but I did want a child and was very close to adopting one soon however given the opportunity, I would be more than happy to adopt you"

There is no denying that I do love uncle Sev and I do see him as a father figure...

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I take on your blood, doesn't that mean I'll get your appearances as well?"

"Yes you would. However, given that you would have more than one blood flowing in you, whichever your magic chooses from us would be your dominant features. For instance, if your magic decides to have my nose (which I'm praying it doesn't), then you would get my nose. However you wouldn't get my hair if your magic chooses to have your mothers brown wavy hair. Does that make sense?"

I really hope I don't get your nose

"That makes more sense. Uncle Malcom, I know earlier this week I said I refused to merge with your blood for I want the potters to be dominant however I'm curious, would there be a difference if I merged yours and mothers?"

"Yes. Your mother and I are two different people in regards to power and what we have to offer. While biologically we both have the same blood, we do not necessarily have the same magic. Your mother is phenomenal in transfigurations however she is horrendous at Runes. Though I don't know about your birth mother given you have her Magic flowing"

"I'll add the answer to that for I knew Lily. There is no mystery that Lily was amazing in charms however you might notice that your herbology skills are quite lacking. This is due to Lily magic lacking the powers to excel in herbology, I believe it was also James downfall as well"

I thought it was because plants hate me...

Least it makes sense to why I don't do well in that class

"I see. So by merging your blood with mine, I would essentially have 1/5 of everyone? Because you have my birth parents, which is clearly two people (and because of the direct bloodline, my own blood), then add in mothers and uncle Malcom, and lastly uncle sev. So five parents?"

I hope I did the math right

"Correct, well done"

Thank you auntie

"So five parents (technically three for two of them are dead), four different blood would be running through me and I'd look like a mixture of all of you?"


This is quite a lot to take in...

"When can we do it?"

"You're willing to do that? Just like that? No need to take time to think about it?"

"Yes. I already see you all as family and would trust you with my life. I see no problems in delaying it. I just hope I get your best features"

"Than we shall go to the Italian gringotts tomorrow!"





We all whipped to see mother leaning against the door frame looking quite tired but better

"Mother! You should be resting! Why are you even out of bed! Do you need tea! Do you want dinner! I can call an elf for you!"

I quickly left my chair to carefully bring her to mine to sit down, it would do no good for her standing there

"I'm alright Harry, just tired, after all I just did wake up"

"You were asleep for four days sis"

"Really? I didn't realize I was out of it for that long! But I'm alright now. I may have been late to the conversation but I was able to pick up pieces on what you guys were discussing about"

"How far did you hear?"

"Just you doing the math on blood, I pretty much missed everything else. Are you sure you're ready for us to adopt you Harry?"

"Yes mother, though perhaps not tomorrow for you still need rest?"

"We shall see how I'm feeling, if I get rest tonight, I should be good to go tomorrow, if not then the day after tomorrow"

"Get plenty of rest Minerva, if not I'll be tracking down your every move making sure you do not over do it"

"Grandmother I will be fine. The sooner we do this, the quicker we can get out of Dumbledores grasp for he would not be able to do anything" 

"I shall contact the goblins tomorrow morning, let them know of our plans. I'm sure they would be more than willing to help us. For now, it is quite late given its 1:30 in the morning and you need rest sister!"

"Yes malcom, do not worry! I will get plenty of rest! Goodnight everyone"

I help mother back to her rooms after saying goodnight to the others

"You sure you'll be alright mother?"

"Trust me Harry, I am fine. I am very happy you've chosen to do the blood adoption with us including Severus given that he was here"

"Of course, I am proud to be a McGonagall, well Potter-McGonagall-Snape really.... I'll probably just stick with McGonagall for it is not much of a mouthful"

"You are still my son no matter which name you decide to go with. Now go to bed Harry, we have quite the day tomorrow"

"Maybe, it depends"

"Oh hush! Now off to bed you go!"

"I love you mom"

"I love you too"

Harry McGonagall Where stories live. Discover now