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Some info/facts may be changed for the sake of the story

Mcgonagall pov:

After the whole fiasco with my son, I decided to take him out of hogwarts for the summer to go to my manor. Thankfully I didn't have to ask the headmaster as he told me to leave hogwarts with Harry.

It has been so long since I've been home, ever since I took Harry away from those vile creatures, I've resorted to staying at hogwarts for it was easier for me to check on him. Now that he is older, he can have more freedom and peace to do whatever he please to do at home.

Home, such a strange word to consider. Hogwarts is my home but this ancient manor is also home, and Harry is my home as well.

Nevertheless, seeing my son's reaction to the manor was wonderful!

"Harry, welcome to Mcgonagall Manor! Now I know it is not as big or extravagant as Malfoy Manor but I assure you that there is enough space here to give you freedom. This is clearly the entrance to the manor, once we are inside, you'll find 5 floors. The main floor, the residency floor, the astronomy tower, the basement and lastly, the dungeons"

"We have an astronomy tower?"

I certainly wasn't expecting him to ask that, I was expecting a dungeon question

"Yes Harry, it's not the same as the one at Hogwarts, dare I say I prefer my tower compared to Hogwarts, it is much more comfy than the castles. I'm surprised you didn't ask about the dungeons"

"Well, Malfoy manor has dungeons and I heard from Blaise, Pansy, and Theo that at their manors, they all have dungeons as well so I assumed that from a long line of purebloods, they would all have dungeons in their homes but you're half-blood aren't you?"

"Yes, however unlike... for example,the Malfoy's, the Mcgonagall family has been more accepting of who you can get together with, my mother fell in love with a muggle, my father and had me and my younger brothers. Whom you'll meet in due time"

"Did you ever get married?"

"Yes I did, however he died in an accident before you were born. You were born in 1980 whereas my husband died in 1975. He was a great man. I have a photo album inside the manor somewhere, I'll tell you stories that would've been your 'father' if he was still alive today"

Elphinstone Urquart, oh how I miss you dearly. Are you proud of me? Are you okay with the fact I took in the Potters son and raised him as my own? How I wish I could talk to you once more

"Mother, who are your brothers?"

Ah right, I forgot I told him he'll be meeting his 'uncle'

"I have two brothers, unfortunately one of them died by death eaters in the first wizarding one. His name was Robert Mcgonagall Jr, named after my father. My other brother who is still alive and will meet is Malcom Mcgonagall. Now I've believe we have been outside for quite a while given we have walked past the garden three times by now! Let us go in so you can settle at home now"

"When will I meet uncle Malcom and may I tend to the garden while I am here?"

"If you wish, I can send a letter to my brother requesting him to come this week and spend time with you? I'm sure he will be delighted to meet you at last! Don't worry, I told him all the good stuff about you. And of course you can tend to the gardens, we also have a quidditch pitch further down the hill, if you noticed there was a hill past the garden, you may bring your friends over here to spend time with you and of course, practice your quidditch skills"

"Wicked! I am for sure going to spend most of my time at the pitch!"

"Don't forget to do your homework mister!"

"Yes mother"

"Now, come on, we mustn't keep the elves waiting for us"

Oh Harry, how you're going to be the death of me

Harry McGonagall Where stories live. Discover now