Chapter 1 - Introductions

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{Notes from the Author, justhamiltonthings}

Hello! I am justhamiltonthings. My pronouns are he/him, please use them correctly! This is currently my first actual fanfiction I've written, so please be kind.

I would like to warn possible readers that this book may contain light or heavy NSFW or Smut, and there will be trigger warnings on every chapter containing. For Example:

(chapter name)

(trigger warnings: light smut, suicide attempt, self harm)

Or something like that. Please enjoy my fanfiction, You and I, Do or Die! Have a great day!

Chapter 1 - Introductions

(Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Physical Abuse/Death)

{Third Person POV}

On a brisk autumn evening, in a small town known as Dallasport, comes the first day of Alexander Hamilton's life.

Alexander had never gone to any highschool before. his mom used to let him choose whether he wanted to go to public school or do online, to which Alexander always chose online due to his social anxiety and "introvert-ness" kicking in almost anytime it wanted. His mother was so nice, she baked almost every type of cookie, brownie, or cake for Alexander whenever he asked. That is, until she died a month ago.. of a threatening virus infecting her lungs. He was there when she died, he cried and screamed as the doctors dragged him out of the ICU, thrashing his legs about and the only thing he could scream through his sobs were cries for his mother to come back to him.

Ever since then, Alexander was never the same.

His new foster parents who "kindly" took him in, Mr. and Mrs. Fernsby, decided to no longer allow poor Alexander to make any of his own decisions. They sat him down and made a rule sheet for him, which he was obligated to follow and hang up in his room. All summer, Alexander had been trying so hard to hide out in his room, avoid their bratty dog who didn't like them any more than they did, to stow away and concentrate on anything other than the world he was forced to live in.

But today, today was his chance of a new life. It was his first day of a new school, and his freshman year of highschool to make it worse. Sure, Alex didn't think it would go well. But he hoped. He hoped, and hoped, and hoped for this day, and it had finally come.

Sure, he was absolutely terrified. But as he began to get up and stretch his arms out with a yawn, he tried to prepare himself for all the scenarios. Alex had done plenty of research for months, asking the internet all the possible outcomes of his situations.

"How to act normal in highschool when you've been homeschooled your whole life?"

"How do kids act in highschool?"

"Will I fit in right in my highschool?"

Alexander was panicking all weekend, but today was the day, he had no choice but to go.

So as he stood up, hunching over in his usual awkward slouch, he shuffled over to his closet, looking for the best possible first day outfit. He was never the decisive type, it always took him a few minutes to make a final decision on anything. That really pisses off the Fernsbys' when they're in public, so he just lets them decide for him whether he liked it or not.

He spent a good five minutes skimming through shirts until he decided on keeping his plain grey pajama shirt and slipping on a simple red hoodie. Not stylish, but there was nothing on it like a symbol or something that he could possibly get made fun of, such as a band someone happened to dislike or a movie quote.

He turned to his pants drawer and grabbed a simple pair of blue jeans, but when he went to slip them on he tripped over the pant leg and fell forward with a yell, facepalming straight into the side of his nightstand, slamming his jaw onto it with a painful cry.

Alexander rolled onto the floor and curled up in a ball, sobbing softly as he rocked back and forth cradling his bruising jaw, his lip quivering as he tried to cry as quietly as he could.

Though he wanted to stay in his room and hide out for the day, his sob session was interrupted by a voice coming from downstairs in the kitchen.

"Alexander, get your ass down here and get to school!"

Alex sighed, slowly getting up and wiping his tears, fixing his pants and zipping them up, slipping a belt on as well just in case someone decided to pants him in front of everybody. What can you say? He's an over thinker.

So he walked out of his room, not bothering to fix his hair or brush his teeth, he knew nobody would go near him anyway, so it didn't matter the effort he did to his face. He would just have to hide his jaw for the day so people wouldn't ask questions. He made his way down the stairs, walking against the wall to decrease the creaking of the wooden stairs, getting into the kitchen and putting his head down as he kneeled next to the door, carefully slipping a pair of vans on.

"You better not get hurt at school today." Said a masculine voice, Mr. Fernsby.

Alex knew what that meant. Don't get hurt, so we can hurt you once you get home. If you're already hurt, we can't land as many hits as we'd like without sending you to the hospital. Alex didn't reply, slipping his phone into his back pocket as he stood up and put his satchel on his shoulder, walking out the door without a single word to either of his "parents".

As Alex walked, his heart started to race faster and faster. He checked his phone. 7:30. It took him about 30 minutes to get to school, he had walked about 15, school starts at 8:00, perfect. He'd have a couple minutes to explore his new school. Alex sure hoped he wouldn't come in contact with any kids during this adventure.

{Word Count: 914}

{Notes from the author}

First chapter finished! I hope I did well, I know it's going by slow at first but keep in mind this is my first actual story! I'll try to post a new chapter every few days, but I might not be able to do it that well since I have school and I get busy!

You and I, Do or Die - A Lams Modern HS AUWhere stories live. Discover now