Chapter 13 - All Nighter

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Chapter 13 - All Nighter

(Trigger warnings: light smut)

{Johns POV}

Today was the day.

I'm gonna do it.

Sure, it's only been three days.

But I'm gonna do it.


Alex and I were walking home from school together, with my hand resting on his head and rubbing it. I know how much he loves that. He looks up at me and smiles. Just for no reason. I stopped walking and reached down, grabbing his thighs and yanking him up to sit on my shoulders. He yelped and played the bongos against my head, smiling and bobbing his head. "Bum bum bum! Da bum da bum da bum!" I rolled my eyes and began racing home, galloping and skipping like a horse and ignoring all the stares I got from passersby.

Once we got home we barged through the door, me trotting forward and folding my arms dramatically. "Ladies and gentlemen! Theydies and Gentlethems! The King, Alexander Hamilton and his loyal servant, John Laurens, have entered the building! Bow to us!" There was no answer, and we both laughed. "Guess our kingdom isn't fans of us." I set him down and gave him a light noogie, running over to the kitchen and grabbing a Hershey Bar, tossing it over to him from behind my back.

"Whats this?" I turned to him and crouched in front of him so I was his height, opening the bar for him and pushing it up to his mouth. "It's chocolate. Eat it, and you'll love me." He gave me a concerned look and slowly took the smallest bite ever, immediately bursting into praises about the chocolate with a mouthful of it stuffing his mouth from his second bite.

"Oh my god. Oh my god! This is so fucking delicious! I forgot what this tasted like!"

"How could you forget what chocolate tasted like, silly?" I laughed and pulled off the wrapper for him, throwing it into the trash. He seemed offended. "I-I don't like to talk about it."

Shit. I should've kept my mouth shut. Now he won't be happy when we pull an all nighter.

"Oh, that's fine, sorry." I scooped him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck, biting the chocolate until it was gone. We walked up the stairs and into my room, I checked the time.


My parents would be home at 5:00, 5:30 would be dinner. Then it's the rest of the night for us.

We both just sat in my room playing and talking together, when I heard my parents come home.


I looked over at the steps and yelled. "Hey mom, dad! Have a good day at work?" They both responded a "yes, thank you" to me and I nodded, turning back to Lex. "Hey, would it be alright if we watched a show?" He nodded and looked over at the TV when I turned it on, flicking through Netflix. Alex gasped at a show called The Hollow, so I put it on despite having no clue what it was about.

After an episode of that, we were called down for dinner. We decided upon eating dinner, watching a few more episodes, then doing the assignment after that. So we jumped up and raced down the stairs, running to the kitchen table and hopping into seats.

"So how were your days at school?" My mother spoke up after I helped her set the table and lay the food out. I sat in my chair and looked over at Alex, smiling and allowing him to go first. He gave me a look of "Do I have to?" so I mouthed to him. "It would be impolite."

He sighed and looked up at my mom, smiling cheekily and tucking his hands between his legs. "I-it was good m-ma'am." She let out a hearty, almost royal laugh and set her hand on the table as she sat down in a seat. "Oh, there's no need to be so polite and manner-y! You can call me Theresa." I watched him nod and put his head down.

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