Chapter 24 - Winter Break

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Chapter 24 - Winter Break

{Alexander's POV}

My body hurts so bad.

It feels like my ribs are being ripped apart piece by piece, a dissatisfying crunch each time one of my ribs were snapped in half. My legs felt like they wanted to give out, I just wanted to fall. Just wanted to die.

John's voice erupted through my nightmare, and his hand slowly came into view with a few swaying motions to get my detention. "Lexi.. Babe, you gotta wake up.. It's already past noon." He mumbled, picking up my bruised body to set in his lap. I whimpered, burying my face into John's neck and going completely limp to make it difficult for him to move me. I heard him sigh and his arms stretched under my body to hold me as he stood and walked out of his room. I ignored the bounce in his walk that caused me to repeatedly bob my head against his shoulder from his strides.

John walked me down the steps, caressing my scalp with his soft fingers and giving it a light scratch. I whined softly, clinging to his neck and cuddling up against him. "Where are we going so early in the morning..?" I mumbled, shoving my face underneath John's chin. John just shook his head and sighed, carrying me to the couch and laying me down on the bed-like cushion that was closer to the corner, the one he knew was my favorite. "You've been sleeping far too much lately, and you need to start moving around." He says next to me, allowing me to cuddle against him in any way I want.

"But I'm so tired.." I mumbled once more, shoving my face into John's chest and whimpering. John didn't answer, but there were a few clicks that sounded almost broken, and I knew it was John trying to get the TV on by pointing the remote at different places on the television and spamming the power button. Soon enough, I heard familiar music humming through the speakers that were planted against the walls for better surround sound. I lifted my head and looked at the TV, smiling once I had figured out that John had put on Miranda, our favorite musical. I sat up in his lap and laid my head on his chest, watching the television and receiving occasional back rubs or kisses.

"Mmm.." Was all I could get out as John started shaking me. I must've fallen asleep again. I'm just so tired. "Babeee.. Get the fuck up. You can't sleep all day, you gotta eat and take a little walk, okay?" John picked me up under my arms and stood me on my feet, but the moment he pulled his hands away I purposely buckled my knees and fell to the floor like a ragdoll.

"Oh my god, Alex." John pinched the bridge of his nose with a laugh, reaching down and picking me back up. "Stand, Oh my- no!" I did the same exact thing but before I could fall fully John had scooped me up over his shoulder and was walking me into the kitchen. He swung me down into a chair and held me there for a second or two, making sure I could sit up on my own.

"Staaay." He commanded, giggling as he patted my head and walked into the kitchen. John pulled out a pot and began boiling water, preparing all the ingredients for my breakfast ramen. "I'm putting eggs in it because you need to gain weight, you're so skinny it's unhealthy."

But I don't want to be fat..

"No John! No eggs! Just ramen!" I stood up and wobbled over to John, tugging him away from the pot on the stove. He grabbed my arms and held me back, away from the boiling water that now had my noodles and a cooking egg in it. "Babe, you have to get some nutrition in your body. Look." John bent down on his knees and slid his warm hands under my shirt, lifting it up so much that I had to lift my arms to maintain a comfortable state. I whimpered as his delicate fingers ran along my prominent rib bones that stuck out of my skin.

"You're so skinny.. Ever since- Well y'know, you haven't been feeding yourself." John sighed, carefully caressing my sensitive stomach. "So what? I'm the perfect weight.."

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