Chapter 12 - The Assignment

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Chapter 12 - The Assignment

{Alexander's POV}

I woke up to the entire bed shaking and two voices. One of which was deep, gravelly and exhausted, the other high pitched, squeaky, and excited. John's little sister, Avery, was shaking John's arm that was holding my back, making my entire body shake. I giggled as he tried to get her to stop, or else she'd wake me up. Then it was silent the moment after I giggled. I opened my eyes and looked up at John, then to Avery, then back to John, who smiled at me and put a hand on the back of my head, pulling my face into his chest. A wide smile carved my lips and I wrapped all of my limbs around him, nuzzling under his chin and sighing deeply.

"Avery, go get yourself some cereal for breakfast and get ready for school. We'll be down in a few minutes." Avery huffed and whipped around, stomping out of the room and running down the stairs. We both laughed and I lifted my head, gazing into John's eyes. He smiled and ran his fingers through my hair a few times, flipping it side to side to find a style.

"Your hair in the mornings is.. wow." He chuckled, but the way he chuckled and the way he spoke in his deep, gravelly voice in the back of his throat made nothing about this funny. His voice sounded sexy. The way his voice rattled through his throat and up out of his mouth made me all tingly inside. And when John leaned in and nudged his nose against my ear before he spoke sent a chill down my spine. "What would you like for breakfast, Lexi?"

"I don't know.. I don't eat breakfast." John seemed worried, given the fact he pulled away from me, propping himself up on his elbows and giving me a concerned look. "You don't eat breakfast?" I shook my head.

John gave me an unamused look and sat up on his legs, stretching his arms up and yawning. All of his muscles and veins popped out and I couldn't stop myself from staring at his arms. Before he could set his arms back down I crawled over to him and sat in his lap, wrapping my arms around him and looking up at him as he looked down at me. "What's this for?"

"Carry me." The confusion on John's face couldn't be mistaken, but he simply shrugged and wrapped his arms around me, one hand on the back of my head and the other arm wrapped under me to hold me up as he stood from the bed. He walked us out of his room and set me down, pointing me to the bathroom. "Extra toothbrushes under the sink, use the toothpaste in the blue cup. You can use my comb and brush if you need, colognes in the medicine cabinet. I'm gonna change."

I gave him a quick nod and awkwardly walked into the bathroom, grabbing an extra toothbrush from under the sink and the toothpaste. As I was brushing my teeth, I looked around the bathroom in amazement. No mold on the corners of the floor, cracked windows or tiles. The mirror was clean and you could actually see through it, and there were shower curtains hiding the inside of the shower. I hadn't showered in a day or two, but I could shower once I got home from school. I spat out my toothpaste and washed my mouth out, grabbing John's comb and lazily brushing through my hair so it looked at least decent. I was already wearing an appropriate shirt for school, but I had to change my pants. Then I went to the medicine cabinet and opened it, looking at all the deodorants, colognes, hair sprays, hair gels, everything. Damn, he really cares about how he looks. I think he'd look amazing without any of these. But it's not my opinion to say.

After I finished everything in the bathroom I walked out and back over to John's room. At first, I planned on going in automatically, but then I realized this wasn't my room, nor was it my house. So I knocked. "Just a sec, Lexi!" And just like that, he opened the door for me.

With his shirt off.

John smiled at me and moved out of the way, picking out one of his shirts and slipping on a plain jersey from the football team at school, labeling "Lauren's, 24" on the back of it. As much as I didn't want it to end, I wanted to see more of him, he sadly put his shirt on. My feet forced me to shuffle forward and into the room, over to the closet and standing beside him. He glanced down at me and saw that I hadn't gotten dressed yet, so he gladly crouched down and searched through a pants box, pulling out the smallest pair. "These were from me in 7th grade. They should fit you." I took the pants from him and looked around. The entire room had no areas that I could change. "Oh! oh right, you hardly know me. Sorry!" I watched him nearly flee out of the room, his entire face burning red with what I assumed was embarrassment.

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