Chapter 8 - Text Me, Alexander

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Chapter 8 - Text me, Alexander

{Johns POV}

It was beautiful.

The water lightly swayed back and forth in the lake. The clouds brushed against each other against the warm pink and orange sky. Somewhere in the distance, a soft guitar was playing.

Me and Alexander were hand in hand, I lifted up Alexander's hand and twirled him. He laughed. Oh, his laugh is beautiful. He let go of my hands and walked into my arms, wrapping his scrawny arms around my waist since he was too short to hug my neck. I held the back of his head, holding him close to my body as I sat us down in the damp grass.

We both cuddled up to each other, it was a cold night but we didn't care. Our bodies warmed each other. Suddenly he lifted his head. God, his eyes are beautiful. They're a simple brown, but they sparkle as if he was looking at a christmas tree. We stared into each other's eyes for a distant period before he asked me. "John.. can I kiss you?" I smiled and began to lean in. He took the message and leaned in as well. Just as our lips were about to touch. . .

"Johnny! Get up, you're going to be late!"

I jerked my head up and looked around the room. No sunrise. No clouds. No Lake. No guitar.

No Alexander.

It was a dream.

I looked over at Avery, who was shaking my arm and slapping it. She glared up at me when I wouldn't get out of bed and began to yank my arm towards the door. "Avery, I still have to change. Just get out, I'll be downstairs for breakfast in.." I paused to stretch my arms up and scratch my side as I yawned. "In a minute.." Thankfully she believed me and ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her and stomping down the stairs to get her lucky charms. Meanwhile, I began to get up, rubbing the back of my neck and stretching once more. God, I was sore.

My mirror seemed to be mocking me as I stood in front of it checking for zits and whatnot on my face. My hair was a wretched mess, strands flying all about my head. I could see that under my eyes didn't look exactly perfect, the darker skin colored under my eyes was darker than my normal skin color. Thankfully though, no zits.

I walked over to my closet and began searching through shirts, ending up picking out a dark yellow long sleeve with a black star without the top point on it, a man standing on the top. Under the star were the words "Rise Up!" From my favorite Musical, Miranda: An American Musical. The shirt was a little short, so I wore a white t-shirt under it with black ripped jeans again. I have a lot of pairs since they match with most of my clothes. I wouldn't bother with my hair if I didn't care what people thought of me, but my mind got to me and forced me to comb through it and put it in a ponytail.

After I was mostly ready, I sat down on my bed and pulled out my phone, turning it on and receiving dozens of messages from my group chat. I laugh at their ignorance and forgetfulness that I don't wake up as early as them, picking up my phone.

🇫🇷 Favorite Frenchman 🥖: JOHN WHERE ARE YOU?!

🐢 Turtle 🏈: I'm right here you idiots, you forgot I wake up late everyday again?



🐢 Turtle 🏈: oh my god you guys chillax. I'll be there in twenty after I grab a bite!

💙Liza💙: Morning John! Sorry these bums woke you up!

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