Chapter 9 - Introductions (Reprise)

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Chapter 9 - Introductions (Reprise)

(Trigger Warnings: Mentions of physical abuse)

{Alexanders POV}

Text me, Alexander.



I got a boys number.

I got a cute boys number.

The moment he hands me the note with his number on it I see him turn away to face the teacher.

The rest of class was pretty boring for most, but I was screaming inside. I pulled out my phone from under my desk and typed in his contact information, name, and setting a profile photo for him.

John Laurens

I set his profile picture as something random since I know nothing about him, so I just made it a cat meme.

I don't mean to be a fangirl over a boy, but what can I say? I am a fangirl.

The bell rang and I flinched, jumping out of my seat and quickly packing up the things I had set on my desk. I saw John doing the same thing. God, I just want to hug him so bad. I want to know how strong those arms are. What I am confused about is his sexuality. Of course I'm not going to ask him, though. He probably just wants to be friends, pity over me and treat me like his own child. To be honest.. I wouldn't mind that.. Someone finally caressing my cheek instead of slapping it. Holding my body close instead of pushing me onto the floor. Kissing my lips instead of telling me to shut them.. I wouldn't mind that at all, if I weren't so stubborn and tried to act like I was so mature.

We all got up and shuffled out the door, again I was the last to avoid getting shoved. I eagerly ran to my next class, art, because I wanted to text John in that class. My mind is telling me that I should avoid him, don't become friends with him because he's straight and I don't have a chance with him, but my heart can't help it. It's falling in love and I'm not stopping it.

A hoard of children storm into the art classroom, I rushed over and ran into the farthest seat from everybody. I sit down, pulling out my phone and hiding it under my desk as I desperately scramble to find the contact for John. Finally, I found it and immediately overthought what I was going to say.

Do I say hey? No, that sounds too forward.

Hi? No, too bland. Hello? Too formal. What about Ello? No, definitely not.

I finally settled for a simple question.

This John?

He responded after a minute. Probably getting settled in his seat.

John Laurens: It sure is. Alexander, correct?


Your contact name for John Laurens has been changed to: Alexander.

I laughed a little.

Alexander: Don't be so formal. Just call me Alex. Or Lex.

John Laurens: As you wish, m'lord.

God, he's charming.

Your contact name for John Lauren's has been changed to 📃Lex🇪🇸.

Wait. What the fuck?

📃Lex🇪🇸: Tf is your choice of emojis for?

John Laurens: Cause we pass notes and you're in my spanish class!

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