Chapter 11 - Nightmare

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Chapter 11 - Nightmare
(Trigger Warnings: Mental Image of Suicide, mentions of death, suicide and pain)

{Alexander's POV}

It was mortifying.

Everything around me was crumbling.

My family had faded away the moment I saw my mother on her deathbed. All my hope for happiness in my life had begun to wash away like the blood in my sink from washing my beaten and bruised wounds. My life was over before I had even started it. Nothing would ever be the same.

A door.

A large, wooden door lay before me.

I walk towards it.

My feet are dragging. I'm exhausted. Why can't I just go home? Be happy again? Get to see my mother? Dance with her once again?

No, my body pushes forward until my hand meets the surface of the cold door. I grab hold of the doorknob. What could possibly lie inside this room?

I turn the doorknob.

The door flings itself open, and what I see made made my heart burst out my chest in attempts to escape.

There's a chair laying sideways on the floor. Feet are hanging above it. I look up and. . .

There hung John Laurens, hanging above the floor by a rope.

Before I could even comprehend what was going on in my mind I jolted upwards, blood curdling screams escaping my throat as if stopping meant silence.

I felt movement beside me and two arms wrap around me, holding me close to a warm body. I screamed and begged for it all to stop, make it all stop.

"Shh, shh.. It's alright, Lexi. It was only a dream. I'm right here, you're safe. Everyone is safe. Nobody is hurting you." Whispered the owner of the arms holding me. Out of instinct, I throw my hands forward and grab onto their shirt, yanking at it and babbling nonsense. I felt a chin rest upon one of my shoulders and my body being pulled into a lap. Then I was rocked.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

More whispers and reassurances were let upon my ear, calming me down in the fastest way possible. I soon lifted my head and stopped my screams, wrapping my arms around what I assumed was John's neck.

"Good job. Good job. You did amazing, I'm so so proud of you." I looked at the darkened face in front of me, tears were silently streaming down my face as I watched the black figure. It was almost pitch black in the room, and the only light showing itself to us was the shine of the moonlight through John's window. I felt a hand place itself among my cheek and rub with its thumb, to which I leaned into his hand and let out a deep sigh of calm.

John pulled me down against the bed and wrapped his arms around me, then I felt a leg lay over my waist.

We were calm at last.

The nightmare was over. John was alive, and he was right here with me.

Chest to chest, no inbetween.

I cuddled up to his chest and began to think.

He's the one who calmed me during a panic attack. He's the one who invited me to be in his friend group. He's the one who saved me from several dozen more beatings from my foster parents and Lee. He's the one who made me my first actual meal in days. He's the one who offered me a pair of his clothes because mine were too ragged and disgusting. He's the one who held me on the couch and watched a movie with me.

He's the one.

He'll protect me from anything.

And I need to make him mine before he leaves me and goes off with someone else who doesn't need him as much as I do. I need to tell him how I feel. But I've only known him for two days. Yet I'm sleeping right next to him. And living in his home.

He was already snoring up against me, clutching to me and making sure I didn't leave his side. I let out a deep sigh and kissed his forehead, curling my legs up. I closed my eyes and nestled my head underneath John's chin, keeping a grip on his shirt as I slowly began feeling myself drifting back into a dreamless sleep.

I was safe.

I was safe in his arms.

{Word Count: 717}
{Words from the Author}
Really short chapter! It's basically just a filler of Alexander's thoughts to help new readers understand! :)

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