Chapter 10 - Escape

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Chapter 10 - Escape

{Johns POV}

"Today at school was amazing! I gave that kid I told you about my number and we talked during class, and we sat next to each other during TA, then we ate lunch with the group!"

My family all exchanged smirks and nods, my dad smiled at me and patted my shoulder. "I'm proud of you, John." That made me smile back. My dad pulled his hand away from my shoulder and that space was replaced by both of my mothers hands massaging my shoulders. "So what's his name?" I looked up at her, gazing into her sparkly, need to know eyes. I chuckled and rolled my eyes as I ate dinner with my family. "His name is Alexander Hamilton, and I think I love him." Avery gasped and stood up in her chair, slamming her hands on the table.

"Now are you going to kiss him?!" My parents laughed and so did I, taking my last bite of food and shaking my head.

"Doubt it. Don't know his preference for romantic relationships." Avery tilted her head and I rolled my eyes again." "I don't know if he likes boys or not." Avery nodded in understanding and went back to eating. I stood up and excused myself, handing my dirty plate to my mother with a smile and a thank you before heading up into my room. I hopped up the stairs excitedly and took my phone out of my pocket, pulling up Alex's thread of texts as I walked into my room and collapsed to my bed onto my back.

🐢Turtleboi🌻: Yo! How was your second day of school Lexi?

I waited for him to respond. And waited. And waited.. he hadn't even read the message until an hour later. I had stared at my unanswered message for an hour and a half until it was 6:30, when he finally responded with something I couldn't understand.


... --- ...

-. . . -.. / .... . .-.. .--.

..-. --- ... - . .-. / .--. .- .-. . -. - ... / .- -... ..- ... . / -- .

... . -. -.. / .... . .-.. .--. / .--. .-.. . .- ... .

After a minute of staring at the text message I figured out he was writing in morse code. He must have established this as our secret language or something.

🐢Turtleboi🌻: Haha, what's that say?

Again, he didn't respond. He read it immediately but five minutes later he still hadn't responded. I quickly grew worried for him. I pulled out my laptop and set my opened phone beside it, sitting up and typing away on my laptop. I looked up a morse code translator and began slowly and precisely typed the text of morse.

What I managed to decode it into terrified me down to my bone.

I scrambled off my bed and grabbed my phone, scaling the stairway five steps at a time and trying to hold back my tears. "Mom! Mom, mom! Alexander needs help now!" By the time I got down the stairs I was already sobbing into my hands, holding my phone close to my face as my parents ran over to me.

"John? John, what on Earth are you talking about? What's wrong?" My mom said calmly, picking up my head with my chin. She had never seen me cry before, so I wasn't surprised when she stared at me in disbelief as I grossly sniffled snot up into my nose, wiping my eyes in an unsuccessful attempt to stop my tears. I shoved the phone into her face and she took it, reading the message with the morse code. "John, I don't understand. What does all this mean?"

I shot up and took my phone, holding it out as I pointed it out to her, reading out the morse code for her. "It's Alexander.. It's w-written in morse code as a s-secret message.. He says SOS, n-need help. Foster parents a-abuse me. Send help please.." Both of my parents gasped and took my phone, reading over the message once more.

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