Chapter 25 - Years Go By

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Chapter 25 - Years Go By

{Third Person POV}

"Lexi, I can't take you with me! I gotta work!" John chuckled as he pried a needy Alexander away from his body. Alex launched forward a second time and clung to his shirt. "What if it's 'Bring your boyfriend to work day' and you didn't even know it?"

"I doubt it. Now off, I need to get there early for a conference, I'll be off early though." John smiled, kissing the top of Alexander's head and opening the door. Alex sighed and nodded, holding his boyfriend's hand for a few more seconds before letting him free. "Love you babe."

"Love you more, John." Alex replied, watching John shut the door behind him with a wave. Alexander leapt forward, peeking through the peephole like he always does. Halfway down the lawn, John turned around and put two fingers up to his eyes, giving Alex the "I'm watching you" look. Alex giggled and pulled his eye away from the hole, walking over to the kitchen and searching the pantry. He picked up the packet of beef ramen and scoffed.

"Five years with this man, and he still refuses to agree that chicken ramen is best." Alex sighed, searching through the rest of the kitchen before deciding upon making a grilled cheese. "How do you do this again?" Alex paused, glancing down at his phone and quickly grabbing it.

🤍Lexi✨: please help me make grilled cheese

🐢Turtleboi🌻: oh my god

🤍Lexi✨: I never remember!

🐢Turtleboi🌻: turn on the top left burner, put a pan on it, put a little butter in the pan.

Alex followed John's directions, grabbing the bread and cheese and setting the items on the counter.

🤍Lexi✨: okay next?

🐢Turtleboi🌻: butter one side of each slice of bread, put the buttered side of one slice into the pan, then cheese, then the next bread slice and then youre done

🤍Lexi✨: got it, thanks baby <3

🐢Turtleboi🌻: <3<3<3

Alexander quickly made his grilled cheese, placing the dirty dishes in the sink after and heading to the couch. He sat down, flicking through channels as he munched. After he had finished his sandwich, Alex laid down on the couch and swiftly fell asleep.


"Baby.. Sweetheart, wake up." John whispered into Alexander's ear, gently rubbing his arm. Alex slowly opened his eyes and looked around in confusion, smiling up at his boyfriend. John exchanged the same loving smile, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. "Good afternoon, ny beautiful baby."

"Hi.." Alex replied simply, reaching forward and grabbing onto John's shirt. "Cuddle-"

"Lexi, we're going to go eat like we planned!" John shook Alexander's body, picking him up and dragging him into the bedroom. Alex whined and squirmed until he was set back on the bed, watching John take his shirt off.

"Stop staring at me and go get dressed, you numbnut-"

"But you look cute!" Alex stood up, wrapping his arms around John from behind and smiling. John chuckled, walking around the room with Alex attached to him. "Need- to get- pants!"

"No pants for you, mister." Alex yanked John away and attempted to cuddle him, but John managed to lift him back up. "Change!"


"Imma make you change!" John raised his arms up and curled them into claws, tickling at Alex's sides. Alex squealed and rolled off the bed, laughing as he ran into the closet. "Fine!"

About ten minutes later, Alexander reappeared from the closet wearing a yellow sweater, a blue denim jacket over it. Light blue jeans lined his framed legs, with white shoes as a touch up. "Done!"

John smiled, hugging Alexander's small body and walking him over to the bathroom door. "Good, now go do bathroom stuff while I change." Alex snickered as he closed the bathroom door, John going into the closet after Alexander.

A couple of minutes later once more, it was John's turn to reappear. He wore something a bit more fancy, with a white button up, tucked into his dressy black jeans. John walked over to the bathroom door and knocked softly. "We both need to get in there, Alex!"

"Okay, okay!" A click of the door and it opened, John rushing in and kissing Alex's head before fixing up his hair. They both brushed their teeth at the same time, attempting to spit at the same time as well. Alex giggled and shoved John's toothbrush up his boyfriend's mouth so he could quickly spit into the sink before John did. "Hey!" John laughed loud, shoving Alex away and spitting into the sink.

A loud panicked meowing came from the living room, coming down the hall and into the bedroom. Sakura, now large and walking perfectly, came rushing into the bathroom and began rubbing against Alex's legs.

"Hi baby! You've been asleep almost all day!" Alex laughed, picking up the cat and stroking her beautiful fur, gazing into her green eyes. "You're the prettiest girl I've met. And that's saying something."

"Oh stop it and let's go already." John chuckled, patting Sakura's head. "Bye moomoo bear, see you when we get home!" Alex combed through his hair before setting the cat down, grabbing John's hand and being led out of the bathroom and down the hall.


John and Alexander walked hand in hand into the fancy restaurant John had gotten reservations for, getting seated at a table in the middle of the restaurant. Alex smiled around at the fancy decor of the restaurant, moody red lights placed above each table, which held a tablecloth and the fanciest salt and pepper shakers he's ever seen. "John, you didn't have to do all of this.."

"It's our date night, of course I was going to do this. You know how I am!"

"Oh right, you took me in front of a lake at a park under a willow tree, then sang count on me just to tell me you loved me. Yeah, nevermind, I shouldn't have asked-" They both chuckled, holding hands across the table as the waiter came up. "Hello, what would you like to order tonight?"

"Just water, please and thank you." John smiled at her, gently rubbing Alexander's hand with his thumb. Alex smiled too. "Iced tea, please."

A couple of minutes later, John and Alex were chatting at the table when their drinks came back. Alexander was handed his iced tea, and John his water. "Alex, if you purposely take out your ice cubes and eat them all I swear-"

"It's an addiction, John, I can't stop it!" Alex laughed as he popped open his straw wrapper and pulled it out, shoving the straw into his cup and digging around for the cubes. He picked up one, crunched on it lightly and let it melt in his mouth. Then another, then another. This continued until the last ice cube was hiding in the cup, Alex fishing it out and smiling. "Last one!" Alex looked down at it, eyebrows furrowing.

A small, silver ring hid inside the cube. Alexander shakily looked up at John, eyes watering. "John..?"

John stood up slowly, carefully taking the ice cube from Alexander and getting on one knee. He stared up at Alexander, just like everybody else around them was doing. "Alexander Hamilton. My love, my care, my future. Will you give me the honor of being my husband, loving me forever until death do us part?"

A deadly pause, silence. No movement at all from the two of them. John's eyes began to water. "H-hurry up, this cube is melting and its fucking freezing.." He chuckled nervously. Alexander nodded.

"Yes. Yes, I'll be your husband. I'll love you until after death parts us. I'll love you forever, John." John leapt up, wrapping Alexander in an enormous hug. "Oh my god, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" John cried out as the audience of the restaurant began to cheer for them. No booing. All cheers. Alexander pulled away from John and held both of his hands tight.

"From now on, it's you and I, do or die."

{Word Count: 1,334}

You and I, Do or Die - A Lams Modern HS AUWhere stories live. Discover now