Chapter 23 - Released

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Chapter 23 - Released

{John's POV}

Alex was nearly dead asleep as we were informed that he could be released anytime now. I don't want to wake him up to release him, so I've got to somehow get him changed and out of the hospital without him waking.

My parents and I haven't left the hospital unless one of us needed something essential at the house, to which they left to grab it and I stayed. None of us had gone to school or work for a whole week, and after this weekend, winter break starts. I haven't been outside this past week. I seemed to have forgotten all about my friends. They're all too busy to come see him, so we send them videos or we Facetime with the gang so he can talk to them.

I was currently sitting with Alex on my lap, who was snoring into my neck. Not going to lie, it kind of tickled. My mom was talking to me in a whisper about how we were going to get him changed, but that entire plan changed when Alex began to stir in his sleep, babbling a few nonsense words. We all looked down at him, as I rubbed his back and kissed his cheek. I figured now was the best time to wake him. He would find it strange if I was taking his clothes off while he was sleeping, and I especially didn't want him panicking or losing my trust.

Alex yawned and smacked his lips a few times, stretching his entire body out with his toes curling, arms reaching out on both sides of my head. He moved slightly, his head gently nestling itself into the crook between my thigh and waist. I laughed and put my hand on his head, stroking as much hair as I could with my thumb as he let out what sounded almost like a purr or a cattish coo. "Well that was absolutely adorable. You sound just like Sakura."

That's when Alex noticed where his face was, his nose pressed just between my crotch and pelvis. He lifted his head and gazed around the room, fluttering his eyes shut and laying his head back down. My mother giggled from the corner. "Looks like we'll have to go through with the plan either way." I laughed and gently hoisted Alex's head out of my lap, quickly picking him up by under his arms and laying his head on my shoulder instead. "Lexi boo, do you want to go home or not?" I giggled between my words, and he jerked his head up and looked around more confidently.

"H-home..?" He stared over at my parents, whimpering and quivering his lip. We all exchanged strange glances, looking back at Alex. He turned to me and grabbed my shirt as tight as his weak little hands could, tugging and his eyes growing watery. "John, John please!" My lips were parted and everytime I went to speak, he either interrupted with pleas or I just squeaked. I don't understand, does he not like it at home? Is it not good enough?

Finally, I managed to speak a little after he began hyperventilating. "Lex, what?" Alex began practically screaming for him to 'let me stay! let me stay!' before I wrapped him in a tight hug, avoiding touching his stomach. "Alex, I don't understand. You're going ho-" I was interrupted as Alex screamed, sobbing into my neck. I looked over at my mom and furrowed my eyebrows worriedly, rubbing Alex's back softly.

"Alexander, you're coming with us. Is that wrong? Would you like to go somewhere else?" My dad stood, walking beside Alex's bed and placing a hand on his knee. Alex whimpered, flinching and putting his head down as he calmed himself down enough to speak normally again. "I-I'm going back..? T-to the Fernsby's..?"

I gasped and wrapped him in a tight hug, shaking my head repeatedly. "No, no Alex! That place is not your home! Your home is with me, where you'll always be safe." I began to rock Alexander back and forth, rubbing his bruised back. "You'll be safe with me, Alex. Don't you worry."

Alex seemed to have calmed down a little bit, his body stopping his shaking and his breathing calm. I smiled, lightly kissing his head. "There you go. You did a good job, very good job Lexi. I want you to promise me not to punish yourself for this okay? I don't want another birthday incident. Please." Alex lifted his head and nodded, kissing my lips lightly.

About ten minutes later, we were on our way to the car in the parking lot. I was holding Alexander in my arms, bridal style while he kissed around my arm and shoulder where he could reach. We made it to the car and my mom unlocked it, all of us climbing inside. I think we were all eager to just get home. I sat with Alex facing me in my lap, my seatbelt buckled around him as well, along with my arms securing him against my chest so he wouldn't jolt forward if there were a sudden stop or brake.

The entire car ride home, Alexander was kissing all over my face, his way of saying thank you for being there for him. As the car pulled up the driveway, Alex planted one last kiss on my lips before we all exited the car and headed inside. I quickly walked upstairs and into my room, setting Alex down on the bed. "Okay, you never let us change you, so we gotta do that now. Oh-" I reached down and grabbed a long shirt of mine along with a pair of Alex's boxers. "Here, put this on, I'll find you a pair of sweatpants or something comfortable." I turned away to let him change, hearing rustling coming from behind me. All of Alex's sweatpants were dirty. The rustling stopped and I knew Alexander was finished. "Hey, we don't have any more- oh wow." Once I turned around I saw Alex wearing what I had given him. The boxers barely showed from under the shirt, deeming him nearly naked. He looked extremely uncomfortable, as all of his leg bruises and marks were showing, along with the cuts on his wrists. I simply smiled and walked over to him, kissing his undamaged forehead.

"I think you look adorable in my t-shirt, Lexi." He smiled up at me and I scooped him up, sitting on the bed with him. We both cuddled until Peggy came over to give us Sakura and Avery back, who'd been staying at their house until Alex was released from the hospital. We didn't want avery to grow accustomed to the horrors of hospitals. The moment Peggy set Sakura down, she sprinted up the stairs meowing like her life depended on it. She ran into my room, giving a quick look around before catching eyes on Alex. Alex reached his arms out and smiled as the green-eyed kitten crawled into his lap. "She missed me.." Alex smiled, gently stroking Sakura's ears.

"Of course she did, who wouldn't miss an adorable little thing like you?" I teased, petting Sakura's back. Alex laughed softly just as his stomach growled. He whined in pain and clutched his body, his stomach grumbling again. I stood up, getting Alex situated and comfortable in the bed with Sakura and headed down the stairs. Once I had made it into the kitchen, I grabbed a few bags of chips and a yogurt just in case he wanted something soft. I gathered my snacks and walked back up the stairs, into Avery's room.

"You wanna come hang with Lex and I? We could watch a movie." I smiled. Avery gasped, standing up from her bed and running towards me. I tossed her a bag of chips and we made our way into my bedroom with Alex and Sakura. Alex smiled at both of us and made room on the bed for us, taking a large blanket I had folded on the edge of the bed and wrapping it around himself and Sakura.

I let Avery pick the movie Tangled, because if I didn't I would be harshly beaten with a fake brush from her Tangled makeup set. We all cuddled with each other with Sakura somewhere at either our feet or in Alex's arms.

{Word Count: 1,394}

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