Chapter 2 - Westburn Highschool

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Chapter 2 - Westburn Highschool

{Alexander's POV}

First day of school. Ever. Okay, we can do this.

As I'm walking into the campus, through the large, arched stone gate, I finally know what my highschool is called.

Westburn Highschool.

"Where All Students Are Winners!"


I walk along the stone tiled path and into the office building where I have to get my school ID. This should be fun.

I followed down a long hall, the arrows labeled "Front Desk" guiding me to my destination. I can feel my heart pumping. I have to talk in order to get my ID.. I'm sure I can do it. Pretty sure.

Once I make it into the front desk area, I'm ordered to sit in a chair and wait for my turn. I was a little confused until I realized I'm not the only new student in this school, there was already a line of newcomers standing waiting to get their ID as well. That makes me feel a little better, the more new students there are, the less possibility that older kids can pick on me.

I sat in silence for a few minutes, fiddling with my fingers, cracking my knuckles, pretending to actually be doing something on my phone until my name was called. I jerked my head up and felt a whimper escape my throat as I picked up my satchel and shuffled over to the lady behind the front desk.

"You're a new student, correct-" She paused and looked down at a clipboard, skimming her finger down until she paused and pointed at the paper, looking up at me. "Alexander Hamilton?" I nodded, gulping as I felt a wave of overwhelming heat fill me.

"Alright, just walk into that room over there and they'll take your picture for you and you'll get your ID, sweetie." She pointed to a door to her right and smiled kindly.


Nobody ever called me that besides my mom. Sweetie.. Shit. No, Alex! Don't think about her, she's already gone and she won't be back. First day of school, no crying.

I shook my head and rid my thoughts, turning and quickly walking over to the room clutching my satchel. I grab the doorknob and click open the door, peaking my head through when a loud booming voice spoke to me, making me jump and almost shut the door again.

"Hello! Come in, come in, sit down and let me take your picture son!" A large man, with bushy eyebrows and no hair spoke in a deep, commanding yet cheery voice. Son. I hate that. But I obliged, glad I haven't been told to talk yet. I walk over to a small stool and keep my eyes on the man, he was large and could easily kidnap me if he wanted. He pointed to the stool and told me to sit, so I did.

"What's your name, young man?" He prepared the camera and kneeled in front of it, angling it towards my face as I fiddled with my hair, fixing it to look presentable. I looked up at him and accidentally made eye contact with his face which was now in view. He was huge. Keep in mind I'm only about 5'5. I stare at him as I feel beads of sweat dangerously close to forming and running down my face. I can't speak. No matter how many times I open and close my mouth, I can't get any words out. He seemed concerned.

"You alright son?" His eyebrows furrowed and he scooted closer to me, making my heart pump out of my chest. My hands clenched and gripped onto the stool, digging all ten of my fingers into the side of the rubber seat. He spoke again, in a more calming voice. "I know you're scared, and you have a reason to be.. it's your first day at highschool. I'm Mr. Washington, I'm a history teacher for freshmen, if you're in my class I can help you alright?" He placed his hand against my knee and patted it a few times. I nodded and slowly loosened my grip against the seat, swallowing hard before I broke out in stuttered squeaks and cracks. "Al-Alexander H-H-Hamilton.."

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