Chapter 6 - Meet Me Outside

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Chapter 6 - Meet Me Outside

(Trigger Warnings: Physical Abuse, Verbal Abuse/Degradation, Suicidal Thoughts)

{Alexander's POV} 

"Meet me outside by the football field right after school if you want to talk.." Said a voice from behind me, leering over my shoulder and breathing softly into my ear.

I wish I could tell him that I couldn't, but I could hardly speak to him at all. I've pushed him away already, I don't want to lose myself over a boy I have zero chance with.

God, I pointed a fucking knife at him.. now he definitely hates me, no doubt about that. He's going to take it the wrong way, he's going to think I wanted to kill him! If I could just tell him I just got scared and thought someone was going to kidnap me then.. No. no he wouldn't understand..

Mr. Washington opened the door and guided us into the classroom. I was the first student to rush in and leap into my seat, getting comfortable and laying my head on the desk to wander in my thoughts.

I wanted to go to the football fields. I wanted to go so bad, but I can't. I couldn't possibly. My foster parents wouldn't allow it anyway. I'm ordered to be home right after school, no exceptions.

Speaking of my foster parents, this makes me remember what they told me this morning.

"You better not get hurt at school today."

Too late. I've already been hit and school isn't even over yet. Somebody already has their eye on me as prey.

As Washington gives the class instructions, I hardly listen at all to what he's saying. Sure, I like the guy, but he's boring as fuck.

I start thinking of escape plans as usual. And if you don't know what that means, it can mean dozens of things, but the main two were:

How do I get away from the Fernsby's?


How do I get myself to stop being bullied?

Neither of which had good enough plans to actually work without getting myself hurt. I planned on going to the principal and telling them how my foster parents beat me. I wouldn't be able to do that, no, they'd call me weak. They wouldn't want to help me. Same thing if I asked them to help with bullies, that would be even worse. Being a "tattletale" or a "snitch" is the worst thing I could be called in my opinion.

The last bell rings and everyone jumps up, rushing out the door like a school of fish. I take my time in order to avoid the crowd of excited teenagers. I slowly packed up my chrome book and my few papers and pens, neatly packing them into the backpack until my name was called by Washington.

"Alexander, isn't it?" I lifted my head and looked over at him nervously, nodding slowly before going back to organizing my satchel, standing up and heading for the door until he made a single "tch" sound and I froze. My head slowly turned and I looked back at him in confusion. Washington lifted up a finger and curled it towards him. I whined under my breath and slowly turned around, shuffling over the aisle of desks and over to his main desk, looking up at him. Even when he was sitting, he was taller than me. "I just wanted to check in, make sure you were alright after the mishap before lunch." He turned in his swivel chair to face me directly, looking down at home with a worried expression.


I toss my satchel strap over my shoulder and nod, trying to turn around before I felt my bag get grabbed and pulled back. "Ah ah ah, Alexander. I want to know if there's anything I can do to help. Is there something going on at home that caused you to break down like that? I can gladly get involved and help you out in any way I can."

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