Chapter 3 - Passing Period

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Chapter 3 - Passing Period

(Trigger Warnings: Violence/Punching, Bullying)

{Alexander's POV}

John Laurens.

That's a badass name, I have to admit. And it sure matches his look as well.

I watch as the teacher rolls her eyes and continues calling names. After John had sat back down, the group of his friends all laughed and jokingly shoved his shoulders around a little. I wish I had a friend group like that.

I heard my own after a little while, Mrs. Brooke was scanning the room.

My heart was beating out of my chest. I can already feel the anxiety overwhelming my body. Everyone's eyes were looking around trying to find out who this 'Alexander Hamilton' was, and why they wouldn't speak.

Everyone was secretly judging me. They all spoke out their names, not me. I couldn't. I couldn't possibly say anything now that I knew everyone was waiting for my response. The teacher repeated my name in a louder voice in case I didn't hear. My mouth grew dry and my throat raspy. I squeezed my eyes shut and lowered my head to the desk, slowly lifting a tense and shaky arm into the air as I felt dozens of hateful eyes laying upon me.

John is probably looking at me too..

I couldn't see the teacher's response but I knew I was already one of her least favorites.

I kept my head down for the remainder of the class until the bell rang. I packed up my things and checked the time on the wall. 9:40. Next class, Math with Mr. Dingman. I walked out of the classroom last and kept my head down. Avoiding eye contact and trying to remain unseen wasn't all that hard. Until I caught the eyes of the group from Spanish. We were walking in the same direction and they were about twenty-ish feet away. I tilted my head as I watched them all laugh and bicker about something I couldn't catch onto.

Of course, after all the times the Fernsbys have told me to pay attention, I bumped right into someone while I wasn't looking. I fell to the ground completely and looked straight up at the tall figure standing in front of me.

"The hell is your problem, freshman?" His words spat out at me like venom. He had dark, slicked back hair with eyes to match. He glared right through me and leaned down, grabbing my hoodie strings and pulling me up when I didn't answer him. My body was lifted above the ground and I thrashed, holding onto the boy's arm with all my strength. He almost growled as he leaned into my face, baring his teeth. "I said what the hell is your problem?

"I.. I.." That was all I could manage. My throat closed and my body curled as if I was a helpless kitten being held by the scruff. I saw the boy take a glance at my bruised jaw. "We'll look what we have here.. someone besides me marked you already, eh?" I didn't exactly understand what that meant.

Suddenly the next thing I knew, I was flown about five feet back and a raging pain was flying through my jaw once more. I fell backwards and landed straight on my spine, sliding a few inches before I curled up in a ball and covered my head. I felt a few sharp kicks into the divots of my back and my legs since they couldn't get to my stomach.

Make it stop.. Please, just make everything stop..

The answer to my prayers were answered when a loud commanding voice from across the hall broke through the loud cackling.

"Aye, do you want to be expelled on the first day of school?" It went silent and there was a long pause before the voice spoke again. "That's what I thought, now get outta here!" There were a few annoyed grumbles and they slowly faded away with the chattering around the hall.

Who saved me? Who would want to save me? I'm just that kid that everyone bullies, nobody has ever helped me like that before..

I slowly lifted my head and noticed people were walking around me, avoiding helping me at all. I found that normal. In my research of this school it mentioned that everyone mainly cared about themselves. I got on my hands and knees and began scooping up the papers that the boy got out of my bag. I piled them all up in a messy pile and quickly shoved them into my bag, scrambling to my feet and walking along to my math period as if nothing ever happened.

As I'm walking to my class I think about the voice who somehow happened to save me from a beating I was sure I did not need. I cradle my jaw that now burned with pain, holding back tears as I walked down the hallway. Somehow I manage to walk fast enough to catch up to the "Spanish Group" as I've now named them. I'm careful to remember this time to pay attention to where I'm going, I start walking behind them so I don't have to look to the side. I catch a glimpse of John Laurens in the front, his hair is most of what I see but I recognize his hearty laugh as he wrapped an arm around the man with the french accent. I listen to their conversation of distorted words and giggles and sigh, watching the darker male reach over and teasingly try to kiss John. Thankfully John pulls away, but that tells me nothing about his sexuality or preference.

Was he interested in men? Are they making fun of gay people by playfully kissing each other? Or was John dating the other boy?

Some of my questions may never have an answer.

I walk into the math building and reread my thoughts in my mind, finding my classroom with ease and walking in with my head down in order to cover my jaw. Just like Mrs. Brooke, the teacher told us to sit in any seat we'd like but to choose wisely. Yet again, I chose the seat in the farthest corner in the back of the class where the door was. To my dismay, after all the seats were filled I noticed John wasn't there.

After a few minutes the teacher came into the classroom and math was started.

{Word Count: 1,020}

{Notes from the author}

I know this is going by really slow! But I promise the next chapter will be more promising!

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