Chapter 22 - Surgery

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Chapter 22 - Surgery

{Johns POV}

It's Alex's surgery today. He fell asleep last night and thankfully hasn't woken up since. He's been sleeping a lot lately, but I'm sure with all that he's been through he needs every minute of it. So I haven't woken him up, but at noon he needs to wake up and head off to surgery.

He's going to get better.

It's 11:45 right now, and Alex is peacefully snoring against my chest. He doesn't know this, but he spluttered up a little bit of blood a few times while he was sleeping. I cleaned it up for him each time since I've been awake all night. There was no way I was going to fall asleep for one second. He has someone to protect him, and I need to do that job well.

Alex was beginning to wake up at around 11:55, and doctors were now flooded into the room waiting. I forced them to wait until the last minute to wake him up so he had the best sleep he could, and as he began opening his eyes I smiled at him. "Hey.. you ready to go to surgery..?" Alex opened his eyes fully once adjusted to the bright light coming from the ceiling. "Surgery.. forgot.."

I stroked behind Alex's ear and kissed around his cheeks, smiling worriedly. "It'll be alright. You won't remember any of it, and before you know it you'll be back in my arms." Alex sighed and wrapped me in a big hug, whimpering anxiously. I rubbed his back and felt his hot, heavy breaths on my neck as he hyperventilated. "Deep breaths for me, okay? Deep breath in.."

Alex took a deep breath and held it once he had it in. "Good, now out.." He let out his breath and I rubbed his back gratefully. "Good job, Lexi. I'm so proud of you. You're going to do so well, and I'll be right there with you." That was sort of a lie. I can't be in the room, holding his hand. But I can be in the back behind glass and I can press a little button so the surgeons can hear me. That's helpful. Alex nodded and took a few more deep breaths before releasing me from the hug, looking at me worriedly.

"You're going to do amazing." I gave him a humorous thumbs up and kissed his cheek, stepping away from the side of the bed so they could wheel him out of the room. I followed behind as he sat up criss cross in the bed, holding my hand while we walked to the operation room. "You're already being so brave, you just have to be brave for a bit longer and we'll be back together soon." Alex sniffled and let go of my hand as they went into the preparation room that I wasn't allowed to go in.

"Goodbye, Lex."

{Time Skip, after Alexander's surgery, 2:30pm in the afternoon}

{Alexander's POV}

Everything is so dark. I feel like throwing up and laughing at the same time. Did the white coated men give me candy? I hope they did, I love candy. Oh look, the world is so bright now!

"Alex? Lex? Hey! Hey, I'm right here!"

A large person hugged me really hard. It kind of hurt but I giggled and hiccuped. "Who you?" Then another lady spoke up in the corner. I don't know her either. "He's just out of it from the medicine."

"Oo, what's that? I want that." The big person hugged me again, sitting on my bed and reaching his arms out. I stared at him. What do I do? "Mmmm?" The person reached forward and grabbed under my armpits, it kind of tickled. I was pulled onto his legs and he started kissing all over my face!

"Hey, hey that tickles!" I mumbled and playfully slapped at him. "Johnny's gonna getcha!" I felt a tingling feeling in my armpits and I really wanted to laugh. So I did! I laughed and laughed until I was out of breath. Then he looked down at my tummy.

"That'll be a gnarly scar. But hey! Maybe if you want-" Johnny grabbed my hands and kissed them a few times, and I felt all warm and fuzzy inside! I like this! "Maybe you can tell them a different story about what happened, make you look badass, huh?" He booped my nose! I laughed.

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