Chapter 15 - I Love You, Alexander

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Chapter 15 - I love you, Alexander

(Trigger Warnings: mentions of parent death)

{John's POV}

{One Month Time Skip}

It's been a month since me and Alexander had laid eyes on each other, and what I had planned for today would be perfect, no matter what got in our way.

A lot has happened this month. Alex's foster parents had contacted the school and threatened to bring the entire school down just to find "their son". They now have a restraining order to stay 500 feet away from the school at all times. Thankfully, they haven't figured out that Alex has been living in my house ever since we snuck him out that day. I've managed to keep him safe for this long, and all of his bruises have been healed, his skin is now as perfect as the rest of him.

We told my parents that Alexander and I were dating, and of course, they were all accepting and stuff. They took us out to celebrate at Peter Piper Pizza, where we had an amazing time playing arcade games and winning prizes for each other.

We bought him some new clothes, cause I don't have that much clothes from when I was in 7th grade and what he was wearing was starting to get repetitive.

Sakura, our family cat, has become very fond of Alex. We can all tell that he's her favorite. Whenever I'm not around, at football practice or something, he uses her as an emotional support animal to keep him calm until I get home and take her place.

In all, we're having a much better life now that Alexander's living atmosphere has changed.

{September 7th, Saturday, 6:00am}

Alexander was up against my bare chest sleeping soundly, I had offered him my shirt so he gladly accepted, so I'm shirtless and he's wearing what used to be on me. His light snores and mumbles of nonsense were absolutely adorable to me, and the small line of drool running down my stomach tickled. I wanted today to be perfect.

I had decided to let him sleep in, since yesterday, Friday, he had an assignment he had to present in front of the class. He had panicked the entire time while I tried to calm him down from the desks. But he still got an A+ for the work he had done, not getting sleep the entire time he was completing that work, so he was exhausted.

At around 8:00, he began to stir. I had been watching a sitcom while he was sleeping to keep me entertained. He rustled in my arms a little and I took a glance at him. He looked so beautiful beside me. Despite all of his insecurities he says he has, I think he's absolutely gorgeous with them.

I turned my head back to the TV and rolled onto my back, carefully guiding Alex's body to be laying against my chest. Thankfully, his deadweight body seemed to cooperate and his arms sagged to my sides, his head laid on its side against my chest.

I continued watching my show until he lifted his head and slowly opened his eyes, blankly looking up at me almost completely asleep. I laughed and picked up his chin, kissing his lips and smiling. "Goodmorning, my sweet Lexi." This seemed to wake him up, as he stretched out his body just the way Sakura does it, sitting on his elbows and nuzzling under my chin with a sleepy sigh. "Goodmorning, my Johnny boy." I turned the TV off and sat up, now holding a sitting Alex in my lap against my chest, stroking circles along his spine.

"Do you know what day today is?"

Alex lifted his head and looked up at me lazily, a goofy smile pasting his face along with a very slow blink. "It's our meetiversary." Thank God, he didn't forget. "Yep. And do you know what we're doing today?" He shook his head, closing his eyes again and collapsing back onto my chest.

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